The Ring

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A/N: This is a CaptainSwan one shot. It has 912 words. It's based on the scene where Killian gives Emma one of his rings, I changed it slightly based one what I wanted. Emma does actually show disappointment in the scene so I wanted to expand on that. If you want to see the scene just type in 'OUAT 5x07 CaptainSwan kiss'. Anyway hope you enjoy.....

He'd been watching her all morning, she seemed more agitated then usual. He watched through the window at her frantically making a Dreamcatcher. She'd been making them ever since she first became the Dark One. He couldn't stand to watch her like this, he hated seeing his Emma in pain. He saw Merlin walk out to up to her and begin talking, it was time. Time to get her back, to rid the darkness from her.

Killian POV
I saw her by the well, I needed to talk to her before we went out separate ways. She spun round after hearing my footsteps behind her. "You'll be back before nightfall right?" "Yes. We go get this spark thing..and then I'm working my way back to you babe." I could see the smug grin on her face so I knew she was quoting something, but as usual I had no clue what. "I know when your quoting something." "And I love that you never know what it is." Her smile warmed my heart, at least she looked happier now than she did earlier. "Anyway with a bit of luck, we put Excalibur back together tomorrow and then, bam no more darkness." I could tell she was still a little nervous, how I wished I could go with her. I wanted to protect her, but Merlin made it clear she had to do this herself. Even though he got to go along. I turned my attention back to Emma, "be careful Swan." I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. She leaned in and I followed her actions, soon my lips were softly upon hers.

Emma POV
We both pulled back, I kept my eyes closed. Trying to remember this moment, a moment when I was happy with him. The hike Merlin and I were going on could end with me losing the darkness but it could also end with me accepting it. I slowly opened my eyes as I heard Killian moving, I didn't want to leave him here. I wanted him to come with me! As my eyes finally opened I saw him reaching around his neck to pull off one of his necklaces. This one has a gorgeous ring on it, the ring was silver with small patterns engraved. It also had a beautiful small red ruby in it, the ring was truly amazing. Then my mind snapped back to reality as he slowly began pulling it off.

"Woah, woah, woah......woah" "Calm down Swan, I'm not proposing." I tried to hide my slight disappointment. Truth was I did want to marry him, I never thought I'd say that about anyone. Killian is always here for me, constantly fighting for me. I love him more than anyone else I've ever loved, even more than Neal. I knew it was still kinda early in our relationship but we never were traditional, so I thought that maybe he actually was proposing. When he told me he wasn't, I struggled to hide my disappointment. That's when I looked back up into his eyes. I could see the unsaid words residing there, 'not yet anyway.'

Killian POV
I gave Emma one of my rings, I told her it kept me alive. Technically I lied but also I technically didn't. I had no clue what kept me alive but I did know that the ring I gave her was one of the only things I had left of my mother. She told me that the ring would keep me safe, that's why I gave it to Emma. To keep her safe, I can't let anything happen to her. I saw when I told her I wasn't proposing the disappointment, she tried to hide it she really did. If it was any other guy they probably wouldn't have noticed her tiny flicker of it, but I wasn't any other guy. I was her boyfriend and of course I'd notice, I pretend not to though. I want to marry her, but didn't knew if she felt the same. I mean it was still kinda early in this whole relationship thing. But that tiny flicker of disappointment was all I needed to prove she wanted it too. I'll make sure that after we rid her of the darkness I'll ask her father's permission. She'll think it's old fashion but hey, so am I. I already had the perfect ring picked out, the one that was now in her hand. Well looks like I had some planning to do once this was all over.

She practically lunged at me and kissed me after I told her the ring was also a reminder that she had a piercing eyed, smouldering pirate that loves her. Our kiss was extremely passionate, it was a sad when we had to finally pull away for a stupid thing called air. "Thank you. I love you too Killian." I smiled and winked at her one last time then I walked off to join up with the others. We began walking our separate ways, I looked back once to just see her walking away a with Merlin. I stood watching for a second then she turned her head to look straight at me, looks like we had the same idea. She threw me one smile before turning back around. My smile was practically glowing, I was so going to marry her after all this. Just me and her, no darkness, no villains, just us. Well hopefully....

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