Daddy's Girl

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It was early, too early for the littlest royal to be awake. But creeping down the corridors of the castle, quieter than a mouse, ran the small princess. Reaching her parents room she struggled to push open the heavy door. Managing to open it just enough to slip inside she ran straight for the side she knew her father slept on. She stayed silent only going to her sleeping father's figure and pulling on the sheets. He didn't budge. Scrunching up her face in thought she stood there for a moment before standing up as high as she could and poking her father. First in the shoulder and then the face, she lost her balance though and fell back to the floor. The small noise finally rousing her dad from his slumber.
From her position on the floor she gazed up at her papa with a cheeky grin only she could manage.
"Hi papa."
She got to her feet as her father rolled over in bed to face his little girl more clearly.
"Why are you up sweetheart, it's far too early."
Emma's smile changed into her previous scrunched up position but this time out of disappointment.
"You forgot!"
"Hush princess, mama is sleeping. Now what did I forget my little royal?"
Crossing her arms in attempt to be like her dad when he was angry she pouted.
"Horsey daddy, horsey."
"Ah, that's what this is about. I didn't forget princess I just thought we'd leave later."
"You promised first thing!"
"That I did, sorry Emma."
Staring at her father in what was clearly the 5 year old's attempt at a death glare, Emma didn't move. Her father on the other hand sat up in bed, careful not to disturb his still sleeping wife. With a tired smile he reached down towards his daughter,
"Come on little one."
Staying still Emma continued her attempt at being angry at her daddy for forgetting their arrangement for the day. It didn't last long though, never staying mad at her father for more than five minutes. Running into his open arms she was immediately lifted up onto the bed. A fitful of giggles irrupting from her little form.
"Shh Emma, we can't wake mama. She needs sleep remember?"
Emma's eyes traveled to where her very pregnant mother lay sleeping peacefully. Moving her eyes back to her dad she put her small finger to her lips.'
"That's right darling, come on let's go get ready then yeah?"
Nodding furiously she almost jumped off the bed before her dad caught her, pulling her back close to his chest.
"Uh-uh don't get hurt little one, full day of riding ahead for you."
Emma couldn't help but beam back at her daddy as he carried her back to her room, ready to help her prepare for her big day.

Emma had always wanted to ride a horse, ever since she knew what they were. Problem was she was too young to ride by herself on a fully grown horse. Luckily she had her daddy wrapped around her finger since the day she was born. He gave in procuring a small pony for the little girl. Today was her first riding lesson, taught completely by her father. After the pair of royals had managed to leave the castle (Snow being quite cautious to make sure her baby girl was completely secure before going) they headed straight for the stables.
"Wait here Emma, I'll go get your horsey okay?"
"Okay papa!"
A moment later her father returned with a beautiful brown pony in tow. Emma couldn't help how wide her eyes went and that her mouth dropped open in a large toothy smile. She rushed over to the pony who seemed equally excited to see her owner.
"Hey Buttercup! Hey girl!"
Giving her pony a hug and a few strokes she turned back to her father who now had gotten his own black stallion - Wilby. Carefully walking over to her daddy he picked her up allowing her to greet his horse the same way as her own.
"Hey Wilby, I'm not gonna ride you today. Sorry"
"I'm sure Wilby doesn't mind sweetheart, come on we'll get you settled on Buttercup."
Moving back into the stables Emma followed her daddy as he grabbed her little saddle off the hooks. She held her arms out waiting for him to hand it to her, instead he let out a small huff of a laugh.
"Too heavy Emma, even for you."
The pout was back full force until her father sighed, giving in and slowly lowering the saddle into her arms. He was right it was very heavy but once the princess set her mind to something – especially a challenge – she stuck to it. Walking slower than usual she made her way out to her horse, her wary dad right behind her in case she fell. Dumping the saddle on the ground next to Buttercup she turned back round, a little puffed from the weight of the saddle.
"Not so easy huh little one, here."
Kneeling on the ground he showed her how to set the saddle up on her pony before lifting her into the seat. Getting her balance right Emma made a grasp for the reigns, holding them tightly and looking or her dad's approval. He nodded and re-positioned her hands slightly before standing up beside her and the pony. He held up a finger telling her to stay still while he quickly grabbed some rope to tie around the pony's nose. Once everything was in place he turned back to his smiling daughter.
"Alright kiddo, hold on tight okay. This is first to just learn balance."
"Papa how long till I can ride by myself?"
"Soon little one, you've got to learn basics first. Be patient."
Sighing she nodded and held on tight to the reigns as her dad slowly held the other end of the rope guiding the pony carefully.

He started slow with her until he could see his little princess getting bored. He stopped the miniature horse and lifted her off, into his arms.
Her little face quickly changed,
"Oh no papa, it's just...well I thought I'd ride like you."
He laughed before tying up Buttercup, keeping Emma in his arms as he now moved toward his own steed.
"I know, soon. How bout for now we wake you up properly and let you ride yeah?"
Emma's emerald green twinkled brighter than the gem itself.
"Wilby daddy?"
"Yeah baby, we're gunna ride Wilby come on."
Climbing up into the saddle he place his little girl in front, moving her hands to hold the reigns.
"This can be part of your lesson Emma, we'll try on Wilby and the go to Buttercup. Alright give me your hands....there's my girl. Now hold on tight, slow to start and then we'll go faster. You've got to listen though princess, can you do that?"
"Yes daddy."
Listening intently he instructed her on how to get the horse to obey commands, how to control him and slowly but surely how to change the pace. As mid-day neared the pair of royals were climbing off the black steed and moving back toward the castle.
"Must we go daddy? Can't we keep riding?"
"Not yet baby, I don't want you fainting from the heat due to not having anything to eat. Come on, we'll make a quick stop at the castle, have lunch and then go back out okay?"
Huffing she held his hand as they walked back up the castle grounds. Emma couldn't wait to finish lunch, she just wanted to ride.

"That's it Emma, easy now."
Finally Emma was up on Buttercup, riding around the set path her father created. She was balancing fine and was doing a pretty good job at controlling for her first time. Out of the corner of her eyes she could see the proud look on her daddy's face and it made her feel all the more confident. She kept it slow until she decided it was time to test her lesson grabbing the reigns a little tighter she urged her horse to move faster.
"Woah Emma, take it easy. Easy."
She could feel Buttercup pick up the pace but quicker than she expected, she pulled on the reigns to slow her but it only seemed to urge her faster.
"Emma. Easy princess. Slow down. EMMA!!"
Too late, pulling tighter on Buttercup's reigns only made her go even faster, Emma tried to turn the horse, in attempt to slow her down but was thrown off the pony. Smashing into the hard ground she felt her head spinning. Moving her arms slightly to get up she winced in pain, not the most gracious fall. In an instant he father was at her side carefully pulling her to his lap.
"Oh Emma, baby are you okay? Look at me."
Lifting her head slowly and with a small wince she looked up at her daddy's, eyes foggy with unshed tears.
"Sorry papa."
"Oh Emma."
He pulled her closer, holding her tightly and shaking his head,
"It's alright little one. You're still learning. Can you move though?"
Her tears finally started to roll down her bright red cheeks, she shook her head and snuggled it into his chest. Scooping her up into his arms he yelled out to one of the stable boys.
"Round up Buttercup please, I've got to get the princess home."
"Aye your majesty, right away."
He nodded at the boy before moving away with his crying daughter toward the castle.

Explaining why Emma had been crying and had more than few nasty scratches and bumps to Snow wasn't fun, even David had to admit. He'd managed to calm both his girls down though, quickly tending to poor Emma's wounds. He'd taken her to bed not long after, laying her down and kissing her forehead.
"No riding for a while mama says Em, sorry."
"That's okay papa, I don't really feel like it right now," she pointed to the worst of her injuries.
A large gash to her forehead, now tended to but he could see in her green eyes that she was still in pain.
"How bout a story huh? Stories make you feel better right?"
Her little eyes changed from a dark shade of green to the same twinkle he'd seen earlier.
"Anything you want princess."
"The bandit and prince papa?"
He laughed, that did seem to be her favourite. Well that and any story involving the ocean, his little princess had taken to princesses, princes and pirates. The latter giving him slight worry but he hoped she'd grow out of it soon enough.
"Ok baby, you settled?"
His little girl nodded as he came to lay beside her and ran his finger through her hand, beginning his tale as all good stories do.
"Once upon a time....."

A/N: Oh my god it's finally published! I've had this sitting in my files for a while now and keep forgetting to publish it. I'm such a sucker for Daddy!Charming, especially the relationship between Emma and him. I love them together as father and daughter, even Jen and Josh's real friendship gives me life. So naturally this came about, I know it's not really CS but hopefully you can allow.

I've got a lot I'm working on but being Christmas there's also a lot to be doing other than writing. So promise I've got lots to come over the Once Hiatus but maybe not before Christmas. I'm trying to do a few Christmas One Shots though so who knows. Thanks for the patience, more soon xx

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