Saving You ~ Part 2

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Creeping forward ever so slowly towards the cage I noticed the small wheezes that came from him. "Killian?" My voice wavered and was shaky, something I wished I could fix but seeing him damaged like this broke my heart. When I stood right in front of the cage I could barely even speak, his name came out as a mere whisper, "Killian." "No, no more tricks, please." I felt my heart clench at how broken his voice was, how pain he sounded like he was in. I'd never seen him this vulnerable before and it scared me half to death. I knew I couldn't show him that though, so I pushed that feeling down  and went to the cage opening. The lock on this door was different, although the cage appeared to be older, the lock was much more complex. Kneeling down to get a better look I began trying to unlock it.

It took longer than usual but it was all worth it, for once I finally got the door open my pirate was within my reach. Stepping into the cage I made my way over to his limp body. Gently, being careful not to hurt him, I rested my hand on his shoulder. Wincing slightly he struggled to look up at me, one eye completely closed due to swelling. "Swan?" Summoning all my energy to form a broken smile I nodded, "yeah Killian. It's me." His eyes suddenly went darker and colder, "no, your not here." He tried to roll onto his back but cried out in pain as he did so. "This is all another bloody trick of Hades isn't it? I'm not falling for it again, I've had enough." I stared down at him shocked, he really thought I wasn't real. I was about to deny what he said and try to prove I was really here when I knew exactly what would make him believe. "Don't you dare give up on me you stubborn pirate!" I felt tears fill my eyes as I watched his head turn to face me. "Emma?" "I came down here to get you back and I'm not leaving till I do that, even if it means I have to haul your ass out of here." His eyes went wide and the cold stare he'd been looking at me with before changed to pure amazement. "Your...your really here." It wasn't a question, he knew.

"What has he done to you?" "It's not as bad as it looks love, really." "And why do I not believe a word of that?" Struggling he smiled up at me, "probably cause you know it's not true." "Dead, bruised and bloodied and your main concern is that I think everything is going to be alright, you'll just never stop will you?" Shakily he lifted his hand and caressed my cheek, "never." He may of been dead but he could definitely still make my heart flutter and skip a few beats. "Alright we can talk later, right now I gotta get you out of here." Carefully I attempted to help him sit up, taking my time I managed to careful help him up to his feet. He was still a little wobbly so I wrapped my arm around his waist. "You alright?" "Aye love, although I believe I should ask you that question. After all you are trying to support dead weight." "Ha ha very funny." Cautiously we managed to get out of the cage, Killian was hobbling and hanging onto me for dear life. I was the only thing keeping him upright, as long as he had hold of me and I of him I knew we'd get out. "Who are you?" Looking up I realised Killian had noticed Meg. "This is Meg, she helped me find you." Smiling at Meg then at Killian I noticed he nodded to her, as if to say thanks."

Getting back up the stairway was difficult, each step taking more energy from me than the last. It probably didn't help that I was holding up Killian's weight as well, practically pulling his body up the stairs. "Are you alright love?" Breathing in deeply I let out a long sigh, "yes for the millionth time. God Killian stop asking me, your the one that I'm here to save, stop being!" He tried to chuckle at my outburst, it wasn't really as forceful as it should have been, probably because I was struggling to breathe. I couldn't help but smile though as we continued to ascend the stairs.

Finally reaching the top we both hobbled out into the living room where everyone else was waiting. The minute my father saw me he rushed over and put his arm around Killian, supporting some of his weight. He called Robin over to do the same, allowing me to fall to the floor. To be honest I think Killian and I were both holding each other up, neither of us had enough strength to stand alone. I suppose that's why I knew I could spilt my heart in two and share it with him, we were so in sync. My mother rushed over and helped me stand, pulling me to sit down on a chair. Killian was laid on the couch and winced from the pain. Even through his pain I couldn't help the small smile that ghosted my features, he was here. I had him, now all I needed was to spilt my heart and we could leave. I'd have him back, we could have the house.

We could have our future.

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