21. Too many boys

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*okay let's see if I can actually write semi well today*

Luke leans against my doorframe "lace."

"Yes Luke?" I ask sifting through my suitcase for a presentable outfit
"Where are you going?"
"That's what I said"
He sighs "why? With who?"
I look at him "none of your business"
He looks at his feet and nods "yeah you're right"
"You should go out too Luke"
"Why would I do that when I can stay here and write songs about people"
I smile at him "@ me text time"
He scoffs and shakes his head "who said I meant you? Girls are lined up"

The familiar jealous feeling sparks through me but I ignore it "yeah I know"
He walks over and hugs me "but I'll wait for you.. Now will you tell me where you're going?"
I wiggle out of his grasp "mall with Ashton"
His smile drops and he clenches his jaw once again making me smile "why him?"
"Why not Luke"
"Because he fancies you and I hate it"
"He does not fancy me"
"He totally does!"
I shake my head "leave so I can get dressed"
"You're acting like I've never seen you half naked before"
I raise my eyebrows at him and he blushes "I uh.. I mean.. No I haven't.. Uh"
"Luke. When did you see me half naked"
"You... You never closed your curtains in your old room" he stutters getting even more red and I gasp and hit his arm multiple times
"God you're so perverted"
"Can you blame me? You're pretty hot"
"Shut up"
"No. Seriously... You're one of the hottest girls I've seen"
I blush and push him "stop it"
"I hope you'll give me a second chance soon." He mumbles looking at his hands and I turn my head to him and sigh
"I'll give you a second chance Luke"
His eyes light up "wait really?!"
"Yeah but on one condition"
"Anything lace. Anything"
"We go slow"
"We were already going slow"
He sighs "okay deal. God thank you" he says hugging me and I hug back making him sigh "God I missed this."
I lay my head on his shoulder "me too"
He hugs me tighter and I pull him off me,grabbing my bag
"You're still going?" He asks and I nod "but he--"
"Luke he doesn't like me were just friends"
"What are we?" He asks with hoping eyes and I sigh taking his hands
"We are awkward" I say smiling and he laughs nudging me away
I smile "see you later" I say before walking out and down to my car

I search my bag for my keys and I hear footsteps behind me and suddenly a figure leaning on the car
I look up

"Hey." Brent says awkwardly
"Hey" I say continuing my search
"Going out?"
"Nope and I wish people would stop asking me that"
"Sorry I just--"
I interrupt him "yeah I know"
He sighs "uhm can I come?"
"You don't even know where I'm going"
"So. I like surprises"
I laugh as I finally find my keys and unlock the car "get in" I say getting in the drivers seat and he smiles the biggest smile I've seen in a long time and runs to the other side before getting in frantically
"Calm down Ashton's gonna be there too"
"Ashton? Who's Ashton?"
"Stop getting jealous he's just a friend"
"I wasn't jealous"
"You're always jealous"
He rolls his eyes and pouts like a little kid "so what"
I laugh even harder and start to drive off

My phone beeps signaling that I have a message and I glance at it illegally and smile once I see its Luke and open it.

To: me from: Luke
I swear to god if you're going to the mall with Brent

I'm coming

I roll my eyes putting my phone back down and shake my head to myself.


Brent Luke and Ashton all hanging out with me at once

This is gonna be interesting

I turn the music up and smile once I hear the boys' EP come on
Brent rolls his eyes "you and those boys"
I glare at him and turn it up even louder "fight me Brent!" I yell over the music
He leans his head on his hand and I start violently singing the lyrics to good girls, yet again.
I do this until we pull into a parking space at the mall and he gets out as soon as the car stops, unlocking the doors himself.
I get out and laugh at his annoyed expression.

I see another familiar car pull up and sigh as I see Luke get out and walk over to us.
"He's coming too?" Brent whispers to me and I shrug
"Hey" Luke says putting his arm around me
"Hi." I say shrugging his arm off and walk towards the doors to go find Ashton. He can get me out of this.

Luke's POV

"Hey" I say putting my arm around Lacy and going to kiss her head before she shrugs me off and I sigh to myself knowing Brent is smiling because of it.
As I look at him my theory has been proved correct and I shove him a little on the shoulder "watch it. Brent"

"Watch what? My future girl walk away? Already there hemmings" he says smiling and running after her
I realize then and only then that I'm gonna have to fight for her and I have no problem with that. Kids going down.

I pull him back before he makes it to her and put my arm around her again.
This time she doesn't shrug me off, most likely because she's distracted on her phone, but I smirk at Brent anyway and he scowls at me before standing on the other side of her.

"Lacy? Are my hands cold?" He asks her holding his hand out and I roll my eyes, knowing that move.
"Huh? Oh" she says grabbing his hand and he smiles before holding her hand back "gotcha" he says and she shakes her head grinning and letting go of his hand right after.
He holds her hand again and she pushes my arm off and his hand away "you guys better not do this the entire time."

"It's his fault!" Me and Brent say at the same time and I scowl at him
She rolls her eyes "don't. Just don't even touch me" she says before walking through the doors
I shove Brent "nice going slick"
He shoves me back before following her and me behind.

"Ashy!" She squeals running into Ashton's arms and jumping on him
"God what's so special about him" Brent mumbles
I nod "that's what I've been saying"
Ashton looks towards us and smiles at me before giving a questionable look at Brent.

"Hey bro" I say high fiving him
"Yo. Who's this?" Ashton asks smiling at Brent
Brent looks up astonished by Ashton's nice neighbor "oh my names Brent. Hi" he says awkwardly and I laugh, earning an elbow nudge in my side from Lacy

Ashton snaps "you're Brent! She told me about you"
"You did?" I ask looking at Lacy and she shrugs while on her phone
What is she doing on that anyway.
I try to sneak a peek, but she catches me and turns her phone away and glares at me before walking away.
"Ashton!" She calls and he hits my chest in a bro way before running to be on her side.


It's been two hours and Lacy hasn't said another word to me. I don't know what I did but I do know I need to talk to her.
I notice Ashton tell her something then walk away and I take that as a chance. Walking up to her, I tap her shoulder and she turns to me with a mad expression "what Luke?" She says crossing her arms
"What did I do?" I ask and she flings her arms in the air
"You pry into my life!"
I step back, startled by her sudden anger and sigh "lace I'm sorry, I'll go I just.. You know how I get and Brent is like in love with you and you and Ashton always flirt and stuff, but I'll leave right now okay?" I say running my hands over my face realizing what I did today
She smiles "you're getting more mature" she says and I laugh
She surprises me by hugging me and I hug back immediately "lace. What's this for"
"I don't know.. But I do want you to leave. I promise we'll do something together soon okay?"
I nod and she looks up at me
I look at her lips and she licks them, knowing I'm looking at them.
Leaning in, our noses brush against each other and she lets out a nervous breath making me smile.
"You can trust me" I whisper and she leans in more by going on her tippy toes.
I tilt my head and hold her neck gently.

"Luke" she whispers and I close my eyes
"Shut up" I whisper and pull her closer, this girl is what makes me happy, and I'll get her to trust me and be mine if it's the last thing I do. Also, if anybody gets in my way, let's just say they'll go down with this ship.


Oops cliffhanger lol
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