46. Dont leave me

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After the talk me and Luke shared he hasn't been so cuddly and lovey. Or happy even. He's been sitting on the couch staring at the tv, zoning out of actual life into the fictional world of television.
I tried holding his hand to get him to talk to me but he only looked at my hand attempting to entwine our fingers then back at the TV with a little sigh. He's looked like he's completely given up, so I decide to give him some space.
Joe left to go back to his hotel room a long time ago, Calum followed saying he had business to attend to so that leaves me Luke Mikey and ash.
I was currently fighting both Mikey and Ashton in Gun Game, and as you can imagine I was getting destroyed.


Being sat in a chair for three hours without moving really hurts the muscles let me tell you. Not that I cared, I have bigger pains than that at the moment. Lacy had just confessed to me that she felt something towards that other dude, and it was killing me inside. I know she still loves me, I can tell by how she wanted me to know about him and her before I got too attached again. I can tell she still wants to be with me even if she won't admit it.
She tried cheering me up but I can't be bothered with her right now, I love her too much to let myself snap before I hear the whole story. Yes, I know there's more to the story, there has to be.
I hear her laughing with the other boys as I sit here in complete silence with no emotion laced on my facial expression whatsoever. I take a chance and look over at the girl I love to see her playfully scowling at her best friend, Michael of course. She glances at me and her smile goes down a little but still stays to silently ask if I'm alright.
No. I'm not alright, I'm far from being alright. The girl I've wasted two and a half years obsessed over just told me she might have feelings for somebody else.
I shouldn't have said wasted, I don't regret a single moment of thinking about her, even now I don't.
I loved this girl with bright red hair and glistening brown eyes. She wasn't normal and I knew she wasn't. She didn't push anything with me like the others. And she helped me forget about her. Nobody before had helped with that. Except her. She somehow brought me out of my hole and I guess I liked her for that.
Liked soon turned into love and love soon turned into broken. We're broken. Ever since that stupid college accepted her.


He kept staring at me. Not the lovingly stare he usually gives me but the kind of stare that somebody gives another when they're wishing for something else. as if he's wishing things could've happened differently between us. The funny thing is, I felt the same way.
I tear my eyes away from his broken figure to try and focus on the other boys since they're so important to me too.
He suddenly gets up and stands in front of me, blocking gun game from my view. I look at him and he has that face as if he's about to cry but he's also trying to look mad. Overall he looks broken, like I said before.
I see a small tear escape his eyes and Michael pushes me up so I'm standing with him, not nearly matching his height since he's the size of a giraffe.
Luke lifts his hand as if he's gonna hold my own but puts it down shakily as if he's afraid to touch me. Not like he hasn't done it before. The other boys only stare at us looking at each other with faces that are eager to know what we're going to do next.
Little do they know that we've already moved on, me and Luke can communicate whilst just staring into each other's eyes. I purse my lips a little as I slowly cup his face in my hands, knowing exactly what he's thinking.
He shakes his head and let's out a little cry followed by a sniffle and my heart breaks at the sound.
He gently puts his hands on my waist and leans his forehead on mine, refusing to look at me and only looking down. Still crying, he pulls me closer as if he might never hug me again. His messy blonde hair tickles the top of my head as he gains enough courage to look at me "I don't want to lose you" he barely whispers in a cracked raspy voice.
I open my mouth to speak but he only puts his hand over it and takes a deep breath "I've spent my life trying to keep one good thing in my life that can make me happy and they keep leaving" I only look at him as he rambles on, finally spilling his feelings out to me after what seems like forever.
He stops his words and only holds me close as he did before and repeatedly whispering "don't leave me"
I feel for the boy, I really do. I didn't mean to hurt him I really didn't want to hurt him. In fact when I came here I was hoping we could make up, but he came with a new girl and I realized that maybe we won't work, but I still don't know.

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