11. giddy actions

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*listen to amnesia on repeat while reading this*

Luke opens the door for me and I smile at him before getting in
"Feet" he mumbles and I move my feet quickly as he closes the door and walks to the other side
I pull down the sun blocker (yes that's what I call it) and fix myself up in he mirror a bit.
Luke closes it and I glare at him and realize his face is extremely close to mine

"You look beautiful" he says leaning in again and I turn away making him pout
"Alright" he mumbles pulling out of the driveway and I put my hand over his making him smile again
A couple of rain drops on the window and he tenses up before gripping the steering wheel with both hands and starts to focus more.
I ignore it yet again and watch the cars pass by in the road.

Occasionally Luke will sigh worriedly and he just did it again, turning to him I notice his face is etched with worry and his jaw is clenched.
He sees the restaurant we both decided on and the moment he parks his facial expression is wiped with relief.

"Shall we?" He asks smiling and getting out me along with him
He waits for me to get on the curb and puts his arm around me and we walk in
I look up at him as he's talking to the waitress and he looks so cute with his jean jacket over another hoodie with the hood up and his now soaked black skinny jeans he always wears.
I wait for him to finish talking before tugging on his hoodie so he would look at me.

"What's wrong?" He asks and I stick my finger into a hole in his hoodie and he taps my shoulder laughing
"You're being so weird" he mumbles before engulfing me in a hug and as by instinct I nuzzle into his neck and I get a whiff of his cologne. Happy it's not that cheap stuff but the real deal I hug him tighter and he chuckles again
"God you're so damn cute" he mumbles before pulling away

"This way" a waiter says to us and motioning to a different room
Luke puts his arm around me again and follows the waiter leading us to our table


After dinner Luke gives out the loudest burp I've ever heard in my life and I'm positive the entire restaurant looks our way. He smiles right after making me giggle and hitting his shoulder
"Let's go" he says getting up and taking my hand before pulling me up into his arms
"Smooth" I say nudging him away and going to the doors
I put my hood up seeing that it's raining pretty hard and Luke grabs my wrist pulling me back with a scared look on his face
"Can we walk?" He asks and my eyes widen
"Walk? It's pouring and I live like 5 miles away"

"Please" he begs and I see tears threatening his eyes and I sigh nodding
He hugs me and takes his hoodie off handing it to me
"Luke all you have if your jean jacket you're gonna be freezing" I say pushing the jacket back towards him
He shakes his head "I feel bad enough for making you walk and I don't want you to be cold"
I nod putting it on and savoring his scent lingering on it
He puts the hood up for me and puts his arm around me again before going outside

We don't talk much while walking but he's constantly rubbing my arm in attempt to make me warm and I decide it's time for him to open up to me
"Luke?" I ask and I feel him hum in response
"Why don't you like driving in the rain?" And I instantly feel him stiffen next to me and I stop, turning to him
He looks at me and sighs trying to hold back tears, not that I'd notice it's raining.

"Can I trust you?" He whispers and I nod causing him to sigh once again "okay.. There was this girl, named Jess, Ashton's sister to be specific and we were best friends.. And I loved her, a lot like I've never loved a girl so much but I was so nervous to tell her so I just didn't and we remained friends. She was depressed, and I knew that.. I just didn't know the extent" he says and I see tears slip from his eyes
I hold his hands "keep going" I whisper and he nods before continuing "one night, Ashton called me saying somethings happened and I need to come over immediately. He didn't give me any detail or anything just that so I obviously went over and the first thing I saw were police and ambulances and the door was open so I ran in looking for Ashton hoping nothing had happened to him, I didn't even think about her. So I saw Ashton and he was looking in her room, so I slowly walked over and looked in and... And.. Fuck. All I saw was the love of my life on the floor, pale, and a pill bottle on her dresser next to some razors, and I went emotionless, I didn't cry or anything I just stared unable to process it" he finishes and I hug him realizing something
"Not to push but how does that have to do with rainy nights" I ask
He sniffles and nods "when I was driving home that night I approached a red light my brakes suddenly didn't work and I slid off the road and smashed into another driver and a tree, killing the other driver, I was lucky I only had a couple months in the hospital but the poor other driver I didn't even see whoever he or she was all I know is that they were automatically dead. So I associate cars and rain with death. Ever since that night" he says choking out tears and I take my sleeve to wipe them from his face

"I won't, I won't ever let you get hurt" he whispers and I rub circles on his palms
"Let's keep walking" I say and he nods holding me closer than before and we begin to walk again.


When we got to my house he smiled at me and the rain had not died down at all.
"Lace?" He asks and I nod my head
"Since we're on the topic of emotional things, why won't you kiss me?" He asks and I look down shaking my head only for him to lift it up again
"Cmon." He says and I lick my lips nervously
"I don't want to get too attached, because if you figure out I'm worthless and ugly and you could do better I'll be broken knowing our lips touched" I say and he smiles stroking my cheek

"You're amazing, and so beautiful I can't fathom it into words, and you are the better person lace. Give me a chance" he says holding my neck and leaning his forehead on mine
I look into his eyes and smile at the blue color

"Can I kiss you?" He asks and I take him by surprise by pressing my lips against his and pulling away immediately smiling "see ya thanks for dinner" I say running up my stairs and quickly going in to look out the window
I look at where I just was to see Luke with his hands in his hair smiling like an idiot and spinning around on his heels
He takes one hand down to feel his lips before he smiles even bigger and runs to Michaels door.
I giggle at his actions and close the blinds and lay on my bed with a smile I just can't seem to wipe off
I cover my face and squeal at the events of tonight

Luke Robert Hemmings what are you doing to me...


Do boys actually do that I don't know But I hope so okay so :) bye thanks for voting fam

Next Door {l.r.h} [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz