37. Wherever you are

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*so this is usually about the time when I write something where I get doubts and second thoughts and give up but this time I'm gonna push through it and give you a long af chapter right now let's go let's do this 9,000 words"

Brooke pulls up to a small restaurant on the corner and as I'm parking next to her she gets out and puts her hands on my hood and jumping up and down.
I get out laughing at her and she runs up and hugs me, she's so nice, already better than half the people back in Australia.
Stop thinking about Australia Lacy you're in California now. She lets go of me and grabs my wrist to drag me into the petite restaurant.
As we sit down she leans her head on her hand and looks at me with confused eyes.
I giggle a little "what?"
She switches over to the other hand and narrows her eyes at me as if trying to read me "you're upset about something" she says and I immediately sigh and look at the menu choosing to ignore her comment, but she doesn't catch on as she continues her questions "what is it?"
"Can I help?"
"Is it a boy?"
"Oh my god it's a boy who is it I'll kick his ass"
I reach over and cover her mouth making her laugh.
"Brooke please calm down"
"Lacy please tell me"
I cover my face and groan into them before removing them and looking at her "yes it's a boy, but he's back home and our relationship hasn't been going very well ever since I left"
Her eyes light up and she claps her hands "you're from Sydney right?"
I furrow my eyebrows and nod slowly clearly showing my confusion on how she knew where I was from. She only smiles at my confusion as she continues "do you know four boys named Luke, Michael, Ashton, and Calum?"
I look around me to make sure I'm not being pranked by the boys who somehow managed to follow me here and adjust Mikey's hat on my head "uhm yeah they're like my best friends why?"
She gasps like a twelve year old hearing a one direction song on the radio and I give her an even more confused look. What's going on? How does she know about the boys and where I live? I lean closer to make sure I hear her clearly "why? What's so special about them?"
She looks at me like I'm crazy and slams her hands on the table making me flinch before pulling her phone out "honey they're going viral"
I take her phone and look at what she's looking at. She was on a YouTube account called hemmo1996 and a video was buffering of the four boys in their living room behind microphones and with multiple instruments.
The video finally buffers all the way and I turn the volume up loud enough so I can hear it and as soon as I see Luke I sigh and feel all the feelings come back and hit me like a train.
They start singing a song I've never heard before and I crack a smile at all their awkwardness from this obviously being their first video. I smile at lukes flat hair and calums awful but cute deep V neck. I smile at Mikey yet again changing his hair color but this time to blonde, a normal color for once. As Ashton does his little solo I giggle and bite my lip, happy too see these four boys even though it hasn't been that long since I left. But that's just it isn't it. It hasn't been long since I left but they're already going viral, somehow I always knew I was holding them back even if they didn't say anything.
As the video ends with them sharing little giggles I give her phone back and look at my menu and she puts it away and looks back at me with a smirk.
I let out a deep sigh and look back at her with a innocent smile and she scoots her chair closer and leans her head on her hands again.
"It's one of them isn't it?"
I shake my head "I don't know what you're talking about"
She takes the menu away from me and holds my face, forcing me to look at her and I playfully roll my eyes "yeah it's the blonde one with the red tank top.. And dreamy blue eyes with those lips that are kissable at any time and he usually has a lip ring in but I guess he took it off. And his hair is so soft and he's so nice and the best cuddlier and his nose is like stupidly cute and he just.. Yeah" I say realizing I'm rambling and feeling my cheeks heat up by the second.
She smiles at me and holds both my hands "honey.. Call him you miss him"
"We're kinda broken up and not talking right now"
"Better get him back before one of these thousand of girls who are calling him daddy do"
I feel the singe of jealousy course through me and pull out my phone and call Mikey.
She smiles at me and asks me who I'm calling and I tell her it's the blonde one with the crazy fringe sitting on the side and she squeals, obviously he was her favorite which isn't surprising, he's quite the character.
"Hey girlie" he says as he answers making me smile at hearing his voice again. I hear a loud noise in the background and Mikey sigh into the phone
"What's that?" I ask slightly worried
Mikey groans into the speaker and the terrible noise happens again "it's.. That's Luke"
The color from my face drains as I realize what the noise really is. It's loud sobbing noises and mumbling "oh.. Oh my god"
Mikey shushes me and I hear a door open and close and the noise gets louder and I hear slight shuffling "Luke.. Hey.. Wanna talk about it?"
I look at Brooke who has a confused face on and I motion to go to her car immediately.
She obliges and I follow, once we get in I put the phone on speaker and put my finger up to my lips to signal her to not talk. She nods and I set the phone down on the console to listen.

Next Door {l.r.h} [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz