47. Bad Hemmo

16 5 2

3:47 am
I see him coming close as I'm running down the street. How is he catching up to me by only walking? I'm running I should be at least a mile away by now!
By the time I finish my thought a hand grabs my wrist and I gasp as I'm turned around
"You can't run away from this"  he says and I cringe at the deep voice
"You. Can't. Run." He says slowly and all of the sudden I'm pushed to the ground

I wake up jolting out of bed screaming bloody murder and I immediately hear footsteps running to my room. The door opens and I jump at the sight of Luke, thinking it was Mikey who was coming to my rescue.
"Luke what are you doing here?" I ask my breaths still heavy from what I had just experienced
"Why did you scream? Is anybody in here? What happened? Are you okay?" He asks frantically while turning on the light and looking around the room to see if there's anybody or anything in my room that could've possibly hurt me. I look at his frantic actions and tear up at the sight. Not because of my dream, or the fact that I'm terrified, but because after all I've put him through he still woke up and ran in here to save me. Even if there's nothing to save me from, and it was just a bad dream. He looks at me and leans the wooden bat he had in his hand when he came in here, and walks towards me careful not to startle me. I giggle a little at the fact that he was holding a typical bat and sniffle at the same time knowing he still cares. He smiles at me amusedly and takes my face in his hands, thumbs wiping the tears away from my eyes "bad dream?"
I nod and close my eyes from the contact which is soon released, probably him thinking that I want him to keep his distance.
I open my eyes again and a pout forms on my lips. He chuckles at me and looks around the room one more time just to make sure there's nothing there. That sends me over the edge and I engulf him in a hug, and start bawling into his chest. He hesitantly hugs me back but not three seconds later he's squeezing me as if he can never hug me again. I sniffle and lift my head "I got your shirt all wet"
He lays my head back down and runs his fingers through my hair quietly telling me to 'shh'
I jokingly slide my hands into the back pockets of his sweats, he's weird and has back pockets on his sweats, and he lets out a little chuckle.
"I missed you" I whisper into the crook of his neck.
"I'm sorry for being a man whore and allowing you to have feelings for another guy" he mumbles and I shake my head. In this moment I realize my feelings towards Joe aren't anything compared to my feelings towards Luke, my feelings towards Joe are little lonely girl pity feelings. Whereas my feelings towards Luke are pure love.... And a little something else.
I look up at him and he looks down at me at the same time, I notice we're both thinking the same thing but he's too afraid to admit it to me.
"Luke. I don't feel anything but pity for Joe, I love him as a friend that's all. Also.. I love you with everything I have and I--" I start to say but is not-so-rudely interrupted by his lips crashed onto mine. He picks me up so he's holding me by my thighs and I wrap my arms around his neck, like old times. Luke sits on the bed having me sit on him and I already know where this is going. I pull back, but keep my hands on his chest. We just stare into each other's longing eyes for what seems like forever when in reality it was only about a minute or two. He gently pushes some hair that fell in my face back behind my ear with his fingers and leans in closer to me "I love you lace" he whispers with all the love in his voice as he can muster out.
I smile and he looks down at my legs "why do you wear these little shorts. You've been wearing them around the house for the past few days and it's killing me"
I giggle and lift his head back up "maybe that's what I wanted. Hemmo"
"Oh yeah?"
"You think you can just torture me like that?"
I give him a little peck on the lips, lingering it for a couple seconds before pulling away again "yep"
In a swift movement he picks me up and slams me on the bed so he's hovering over me. I squeal as he does so and he puts his hand over my mouth "if we're gonna do this you're gonna be quiet"
A gasp escapes my lips the moment I realize what he means and he chuckles.
"Bad Hemmo"
"Don't wear it out"


The next morning I open my eyes to see Luke next to me, holding me close.
Luke's eyes open about the same time mine do and he gives me a little smile. I intertwine my fingers with his and he scoots closer to lean his forehead on mine.
As the moment was gonna deepen I hear a knock on the door "LACY COME OUT"
I jump up and scramble to put my clothes on and Luke does the same "shit they can't know what just happened" I whisper and he nods, they would tease us until our wedding night.
I smile at the thought of marrying Luke but shake the thoughts out of my head before I get too hopeful.
Mikey knocks again, this time pounding and I push Luke to the side of the room so I can open the door without Mikey seeing him.
I look at Luke as I'm opening the door and he's struggling to put his shirt back on.
Once Mikey comes into view I smile and Mikey looks at me suspiciously "nice hair. Were you touching yourself to Luke again."
I see Luke look up to the work again out of the corner of my eye and I blush "shush Mikey"
Mikey laughs a bit "oh luke" he mimics what he experienced walking in on and I punch his shoulder "I said shut up"
I hear a little noise from Luke and I roll my eyes
Mikey laughs more before collecting himself and pushing past me to walk in.
"Wait" I say trying to stop him but before I can he's already looking at Luke "oh. Hey buddy. We're you guys talking? I'm so sorry if I interrupted. Wait. Why are you buttoning up your pa-- oh no shit!" Mikey says looking between the both of us with the biggest smile I've ever seen on a man
Luke finally zips up his jeans that he managed to find on the floor from before and I notice how red his face is "not what it looks like Mikey"
Mikey lets out a laugh "it looks like you two fucked"
I bite my lip and look at my hands while Luke smirks at me "then I guess it is exactly what it looks like" he says and Mikey lets out another laugh "no fucking way you two didn't. Lace I thought you weren't gonna- phew that's so good!" He says pulling me in for a hug
He pats my back and fixes my hair "so then Luke heard that thing about you touching yourself"
Lukes eyes widen and he looks between me and Mikey "no wait tell me. Please"
"Damn dude calm down" Mikey says smirking at me and I feel my face get as red as a tomato "Mikey please don't that was a low point in my life"
"Okay so I was facetiming her roommate and she walked in to the dorm and she was like doing her thing right. So like I didn't see anything only her friends face like "Oh my fucking god" and like she said your name it was so funny I laughed so hard she like cried" Mikey explains bending over laughing and I momentarily look up to see Luke smiling at me with his signature smug smile. I punch Mikey in the stomach and he stops laughing and starts coughing "shit Lacy"
I push him away from me and cross my arms, still hanging my head in embarrassment
I feel Lukes arms wrap around me and his chin lay itself on my shoulder "thats cute though"
I roll my eyes at him as I can tell he's trying to hold in laughter "just let it out Luke"
Luke then lets out the loudest laugh I've ever heard from anybody and buries his head into my neck, still laughing "oh babe I love you"
I push him off me "whatever Hemmo"

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