2. Ashton Tripped?

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After a moment of silence I hear the music start back up again, relieved that they didn't hear me I start dancing to the beat again.

I absolutely love their music it's so hype and different than what people in this part of town listen to.

I hear a drum solo and and start singing along to the beat.


I turn around with a scowl expecting Marie to be there judging me then my whole body gets cold when I see another member named Luke leaning against my door. He was always my favorite.

"I came up here to check if everything was okay because there was a bang, but seems it was just your jumping" he says smiling, clearly amused

"I... I uh. Everything's fine" I stutter and he walks towards me making me back up by instinct

"What's your name? I've never seen you before but you live right above us." He says

"Lacy.. I don't go outside"

He chuckles again "funny"

I wasn't kidding

"What's your name?"
"You like our music?" We both ask at the same time and he smiles more

"Luke hemmings. Lead singer" he says holding his hand out

I shake it and smile "yeah I like your music"

"Must be the only one in the building"

"I honestly think I am"

"You should come check us out sometime when you hear us" he says licking his lips and I melt

"Oh. Yeah sure. I definitely will"

"Cool. See ya lacy" he says walking out and closing the door behind him

I let out a huge breath I didn't realize I was holding and grab onto my dresser to steady myself
Marie comes in laughing her ass off.

"That was classic" she says laughing so hard she can't breathe

"Shut up I can't believe you just let him in"

"It's my job to embarrass you"

"You just wait Marie." I huff pushing her out and locking my door

"Uuugggg" I groan falling on the bed and stuffing my head into a pillow

That was overly embarrassing and I don't think I can bare talking to any one of them ever again.


The next day I park in my regular spot and take my regular walk to English.
I spot Michael on the other side of the sidewalk and walk faster to avoid yet another awkward conversation with this band.

"Hey!" I hear him yell

Didn't hear it

"Wait you! Stop walking so fast!" He says again

Did you guys hear something? Must be the wind

Michael grabs my shoulders and turns me around

"Damn are you deaf I was calling you" he says

"Oh sorry I was thinking about something. Uhm what's up"

"You live above us."

"Uh I don't--"

"Luke told us he caught you dancing and when he described you I knew immediately. You're quite a unique one. Pretty, girly, and likes punk music"

I blush "oh my god. Uh thanks"

"No problem. Come by after school today.. We're practicing. And we have pizza"

"I'd love to but I have the after school internship"

"Ah that's right. Well. Whenever then. Wanna walk?" Michael says and I nod

We start walking and I notice how easy Michael is to talk to. He mentions being friends already and I smile. Maybe I can be friends with these guys.

Lol just kidding I'm too awkward

When we get to class we say bye and sit in our usual seats.

During the entire class I actually focus but decide to leave early since I'm tired.

I go to the cafeteria and get a snack from the machine.
I go on my phone while eating my sandwich and somebody sits in front of me
Assuming the cafeteria is just over populated and it was the only empty seat I don't bother to look up until I hear a clearing of the throat

I look up and see Michael

"What are you doing here class is still going on" I ask
"Same to you why did you leave"

"I'm so caught up I really dont need to be there"

"But now you have to wait because of the internship"


He smiles "wanna go somewhere"

"Right now?"

"Yeah why not"

"You have class"

"So what cmon" he says getting up and leaving

I shake my head while grabbing my things and follow him
He walks out to a shitty truck and I chuckle a little
He looks at me and rolls his eyes
"Don't make fun of my baby"

I put my hands up in defense and he points to the passenger side
I walk over and get in realizing there's no seatbelt

"Uhm" I say

"I know just pretend" he says and starts the car


Michael has been driving to this mystery place for an hour and hasn't stopped talking. Once.

"Okay and then Ashton actually tripped over the--"

I cut him off "Mikey. We've been driving for an hour and I need to piss where are we going"

He smiles "Mikey... I like that. Anyway were here"

I look around and see the parking spot we were in when we first got in the car.

"At campus?" I growl turning to him and he's smiling

"Yep. Just wanted to talk. Have fun at your internship, starts soon" he says getting out of the car and I groan before getting out as well

I start walking to mr. Morgan's class and he greets me with a smile
"Good evening" he says pointing to a stack of papers on the desk if front of him
I nod in response and sit down to start grading the essays everybody did today.

"I saw you hanging out with that punk" mr. Morgan says randomly and I look up
"Oh he's just a friend sir"

"Usually when a girl and a guy hang out it doesn't mean they're friends"

I furrow my eyebrows "uh I guess but we just met so.. It's not like that"

"Okay" he says raising his eyebrows and I shake my head and get back to work

@ whoever sent me a message idk how to respond on my phone so ima tell you here :) thank you soo much

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