23. Thats Hot

24 6 1

Luke lets go of me and goes downstairs to find Mikey to call the rest of the boys to come over.

We almost kissed again.


We were hanging out in his room playing some video games and he put his arm around me causing me to look at him. But he was already looking. He leaned in and I reciprocated, our lips were about to touch when Mikey called Luke from downstairs and we both jumped back.
I laugh to myself as I replay the moment in my head and remember the irritated face he had when he got up.
I unpause the game and start playing again when he walks back in
"Hey cheater" he says stealing the controller and shutting the console off
"Band practice soon?"
"Yep and you're gonna watch"
"Id rather take a nap"
He leans his forehead on mine "I have a new song" he whispers smirking and I raise my eyebrow at him and he winks before taking my hand and dragging me back downstairs
"Luke I'm tired" I whine and he turns to me crossing his arms
"You were in your room all night being quiet?"
I bite my lip to stop from grinning and he lifts my head to look at him in the eyes "what did you do last night? Where did you go?"

I laugh "nowhere I was just watching YouTube all night"
He crosses his arms again "so you haven't slept at all?"
"Bingo babe"
He smirks again "babe?"
I blush and realize what I just called him "I didn't say that"
He shakes his head and picks me up, going to the couch
"What are you doing?" I ask squirming
He drops me on the couch and puts a blanket over me "sleep, but we're gonna be loud"
I cuddle up to the blanket and close my eyes

He kisses my forehead before walking away and I hear the garage door close as sleep washes over me


I'm awoken by a loud hit of the drums and I groan putting the pillow over my head
I hear a series of "shushes" from the garage and hear another bang a followed by a bunch of random bangs and Ashton screaming "I DONT EVEN CARE"

The garage door opens, making the noise louder and I groan into my pillow

"Hey baby girl" Luke mumbles sitting next to me and pulling the blanket from my face
I mumble and bury my face deeper in the pillow
Luke laughs and strokes my hair making me smile to myself, making sure he doesn't see by keeping my face in the pillow

"Ew guys will you quit it. Luke cmon I'm feeling super rockstar today" Ashton says from a distance and I sit up and glare at him

"Hey "baby girl"" Ashton mocks and I growl
"Did you just growl" Ashton laughs
"That's hot" Luke mumbles and I look at him
"Jesus Luke didn't know you were into THAT" Ashton says
"Please all of you get away from me" I mumble putting the blanket back over my head
Luke hugs me through the blanket "I'll turn down his amp" he whispers and I giggle in response

He rubs my back before leaving and I hear the garage door close again but this time I can't sleep.

"LUKE STOP TURNING MY AMP DOWN" I hear Ashton scream and I laugh to myself as I sit up
Deciding that in hungry I drag myself to the kitchen and look in the fridge



More pizza

Looks like I'm going out somewhere

I send Luke a quick text telling him where I'm going and leave.
I decide to go through the drive through of McDonald's and I also decide to buy the rest of the boys food. To be a good friend/ awkward whatever me and Luke are.

I drive up and the familiar annoying peppy voice starts

Hello my name is Kathy what can I get you today?

I smirk deciding to mess with her
"Hello my names Lacy and I would like three 20 piece McNuggets, two cheeseburgers, and for me I would love... The McNugget happy meal please"

"I'm sorry ma'am the happy meal is only for kids younger than 10 years old"

I roll my eyes "bullcrap you're gonna give me what I want now do it. I want the girl toy"

I hear Kathy sigh on the other end I see the meal pop up

"That'll be 50 dollars and 32 cents ma'am"

"It's Lacy"


I wait


"Kay thanks" I say in a peppy voice and drive up to the window to pay and get the food

I start eating the fries from the bag not caring who's it is as I drive back.
In less than two minutes I'm pulling in front of the house and I bring the bags in

Having told the boys I was going to get food they're all sitting on the couch staring at me as I walk in
They all look at my hands and get up to run towards me

I squeal grabbing my little meal and drop the bags for them to scavenge

"Luke no I want that!"
"Ashton let go of my nugget!"
"My fries!"

I shake my head and sit at the counter by myself to eat
Luke sits next to me a couple minutes later with a half filled thing of fries, a burger, messed up hair, and ketchup on his cheek.

I laugh and wipe the ketchup off as he shakes his head with wide eyes
"Animals they all are" he mumbles trying to fix his hair
I steal some of his fries and he looks at me with a I-can't-believe-you've-done-this look
I smile and go back to my own nuggets

Calum comes over and steals the rest of Luke's fries while Ashton, on the other side of him, takes his burger and Luke puts his head on the table mumbling curse words
Mikey comes up to me and puts his hand out to take my nuggets and I look at him with the biggest death glare I've ever given anybody
"Do. Not. Touch. My. food." I growl and he backs away with his hands up

I take a violent bite out of one and Luke gets up
"Lacy were going out to lunch lets go" he mumbles angrily loud enough so his friends can hear

I smile at him and kiss his cheek
"At jack in the box"

I hear the other three boys gasp and I take Luke's hand and run to the car
Luke gets in and I get in after, before driving off as quick as I can

"These boys will be the death of me" I say and he smiles at me
"What?" I ask but he just keeps smiling
"Luke!" I say snapping my fingers and he just bites his lip to contain his smile and turns away
"God you're a weird one hemmings"
"I'm just adoring your presence" Luke mumbles still smiling
I shake my head and turn my focus back to the road.
What a weird set of rocker kids

Random picture of Harry styles bc I can

Next Door {l.r.h} [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz