20. I still care

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The rest of the movie is spent with me sleeping on Mikey. That's it, luckily he didn't realize it until the end because he would've definitely awoken me.

"Lacy" he says poking me and I shake my head squeezing my eyes tighter
"I got her" Luke mumbles and all of the sudden I feel strong arms picking me up and a hand making sure my head is comfortable
Being too tired to understand what's happening, I cuddle into whoevers holding me.

"You're a pain in my ass. You know that?" I hear Luke's voice mumble
I sigh in attempt to show him I heard, but he continues obviously not getting the idea.
"I want to be the one you fall asleep on during a movie, I want to be the one taking you to trampoline parks, I want to be the one who holds you" he whispers and puts me down on my bed before pulling the covers over me
"Goodnight" he whispers kissing my head and leaving

I quickly drift off to sleep with Luke's words in my mind.


I sit up frantically with a scream and I look around nervously.
I look at the light switch across the room and tear up knowing I'm too scared to get there without having a panic attack.
I curl up next to the headboard and whimper trying to see through the darkness.
My door creaks open and my breathing gets quicker. I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die
The tall figure snakes through the door and closes it and tears start pouring down my face.

"Lace?" A deep voice asks turning the light on and I see a sleepy Luke rubbing his eyes
I jump up and hug him crying even more and his arms wrap around my shoulders with his hand holding the back of my head "hey, hey what happened?" He mumbles tiredly and I shake my head choking out more tears.

"Sorry for waking you up" I sniffle letting go and he hangs onto my hands
"It's okay.. I still care.. What happened?"
"Just a nightmare.. About him"
Luke sighs and holds me against him again playing with my hair.
"Stop. I can't" I mumble pushing him away slightly
"You can't what"
"Do this. Whatever this is. I'm trying to get over you"
"Don't get over me.. I need you"
"You don't need me. Nobody needs me"

"Guys what's going on?" Mikey mumbles walking in yawning
"Mikey can you stay with me?" I ask and he waves his hand at me tiredly and curls up in my bed
Luke looks down and leaves before I can say anything else and I sigh before turning off the light and laying in bed

"Are you okay? Why am I staying here?" Mikey mumbles hugging a pillow
"Just go to sleep Mike"
"Don't have to tell me twice" he whispers yawning one last time before falling asleep

The next morning I wake up by Mikey poking my face and I roll off the bed groaning.
Mikey laughs and gets up
"Luke made food. By the way how did I end up in here?"
I stand up and straighten out my shirt "I had a nightmare and asked you to stay with me" I say purposely leaving out the part with Luke
"Poor thing" he says putting an innocent arm around me and walking out of the room
He lets go of me to sit on the counter and my eyes immediately go to Luke's.
He was so sweet last night, so gentle and caring considering how we both fought the day before.
He locks eyes with me and I pull my eyes from his and focus on the food in front of me

"Is it good?" He mumbles, barely a whisper
"Mhm" I nod eating more and I notice his head turn to me
"Uhm Lacy.. About last night"
"Nothing happened last night"
"The things I said I--"
"Luke.. Just shut up"
"I meant all of it. From when I carried you to your room to when I found you crying"
"I.. I don't care Luke" I say getting up without finishing my food and he grabs my hand and pulls me back
"Lace you know we can't stay away from each other"
"I can Luke. I can stay away from you."
"I know that I rejected you but I'm ready for a relationship now"
"God it's way too late for that.. I don't want a relationship" I whisper disconnecting my hands from his and running back to my room

Next Door {l.r.h} [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz