36. First day

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Lacys POV

It's my first day here. In my dream college, achieving my dreams.
I don't know what I was thinking. why would I come here when I already had a life back in Australia. Even though I haven't talked to my ex best friend in about a month, I should probably call her.
I takes my keys out of my rental car and sigh, stalling so I don't have to go in as quick. I don't think I've been this nervous over anything my hands are sweaty and shaky and my heart is beating so fast I'm surprised I'm not seizing. Taking out my phone to look at the time I see it's about 9:10, five minutes before I have to be in class.
I also see a text from Luke but decide to ignore it for now and focus on my studies for a while. I take in a shaky sigh and get out, making sure to lock the door behind me and fast walking to my first class, creative writing, so I'm not late.
I adjust Mikey's hat on my head and smile at the thought of the boys, and how we met. When I realize I'm thinking of them again I shake my head to try and forget them so I can focus.
I walk into class and look around and notice that it's heavily decorated with cheesy posters, like a high school classroom. I smile at everything and go up to the professors desk and set my pass for the classroom on it.
She looks up and smiles at me, reading over the pass and pointing to a seat in the front before saying "welcome to the class"
I nod my head, smiling back and make my way towards the seat.
As I sit down the girl next to me looks up from her book and smiles at me, closing it.
"Hey I'm Brooke and I like books" she says giggling and I laugh a little at the dumb joke she just made
"I'm Lacy, and I'm new.. Like to this country" I say and she nods putting a hand on my shoulder and looking over my outfit "you might want to get shorts"
I laugh and nod and look towards the front as class starts. I start to think of how my life's going to be here and smile to myself knowing it's going to be different, in a good way and I'll make a life here as good as I had it in Australia with the boys.

After class I put all my stuff away, surprised that I actually managed to finish the assigned essay so I won't have homework for this class. Score.
Brooke waves goodbye before leaving and I do the same, slinging the bag over my shoulder and walking out to go back to my car. As I'm walking back I look around like I did in Australia. I see the cheesy posters of clubs, the typical palm trees, and the grass which is slightly overgrown.
My phone buzzes and I take it out to look at it, I see that it's Luke calling me and put it back still not wanting to talk to him yet. As I get in my car I put my stuff in the passenger seat and hear my phone buzz again on the console. I look at it expecting it to be Luke again but it's Mikey instead. I answer and press speaker and he gasps making me laugh "hey Mikey"
"It's Luke"
I freeze and just stare at the phone realizing how much I've blown him off the past couple days and hear a sigh "oh uh.. Hey L-Luke right nows not a very good time"
"You were perfectly fine talking to me when you thought I was Mikey"
I sigh "Luke I can't talk to you"
I hear slight shuffling in the background "why not? Did I do something?"
I don't say anything and only start my car as I try to figure out what to say next, it's a little awkward that were talking so much since we broke up. Yeah that's good. "I mean we broke up and we're still talking like we're together so it's kind of awkward. Y'Know?"
I hear him sigh and a sound like he fell back onto a bed or a couch, Imagining he's rubbing his face like he always does when something doesn't go his way "you're right.. I'll uhm call you.. I don't know"
"No I'll talk to you another time I have to go bye" he says sounding rushed and the line goes dead
I groan and lean my head on the steering wheel at a stop light.

I look to my left and see Brooke with her window rolled down waving at me, rolling my window down I smile and wave back and she leans over "hey wanna go get lunch? I'm hungry"
I check to make sure the light is still red and lean over as well "yeah sure I'll follow you yeah?"
She nods before rolling her window back up and I lean back sighing, hoping this will get Luke off my mind

Hiiiiii I'm so sorry
I like skipped the past two days because I have tons of schoolwork to do because apparently Ds are not a passing grade and I have to retake a million classes now :))
But I finished most yesterday and here I am so thank you so much and ily all byee

Next Door {l.r.h} [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz