41. Just a little jealous

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I lean back on the couch as Ashton attempts to fit his drum set in the boxes provided. Letting his words soak in I put my hands over my face "ash I just told him I didn't love him anymore"
Ashton stops what he's doing and looks at me with a concerned face "but you do love him"

I nod, looking at my hands unsure what to say when he gets up and sits next to me. He pulls me into his chest and rubs my back before sighing "Lacy, Luke's just being a prick right now and I saw it in his face when he saw you. His whole world has just been put back together by you being here and he's literally been going crazy. After the first year he went downhill with the parties and the girls but I when he saw you I saw the old Luke in him.. The fetus"
I giggle at his words then stop and look at him "should I forgive him?"
Ashton nods and pushes me up before pointing at the door. I sigh and attempt to put myself together as I walk out. I open the door and take one step out before regretting it. There he was. With the girl that went on stage before me. Against the same wall he was just leaning his head on about to cry. Kissing. Or no not even kissing but almost making babies right in front of me.
I won't lie when I say I definitely noticed him not being very into it but that doesn't change anything. It just proves how much he's changed over the past two years.
Mikey runs over to me and covers my eyes which catches his attention and I see his face drop between Mikeys fingers.
I push his hands away and stomp over to Luke making sure to look intimidating.
The girl scurries away, obviously knowing who I am and Luke backs into the wall as I approach him.
I stop about an inch in front of him and look up at his terrified expression. I smile and grab the top of his jeans.
He looks down at my hand but I push his head back up too look at me and my face falls into a hard glare again.
That same hand falls to his chest and he looks at me confused. I smile again and trace patterns on his chest "you're cute when you're scared"
"I uh.. What's going on?" He asks looking at the boys behind me then back at me with a confused look but also a scared look.
I lean up and kiss him slightly, just enough to make his lips quiver a little. He hesitantly holds my waist but before he can I back away and cross my arms over my chest.
I hear one of the boys behind me whisper "holy shit" and Luke looks at me confused again "lace what are you doing?"
I rock on my feet and purposely run my hand through my new hair to make him notice me more and it works as I see his eyes get hooded and his lips part at my action. I smile at him "be careful who you mess with" I say turning around dramatically to face three boys smiling at me, but Ashton having a slightly bigger smile, already knowing my plan.
I walk over to him and grab his hand before pulling him back in the room where he was putting his drum set away.
He closes the door behind him and pushes me playfully "you're brutal Lacy"
I giggle and nod before laying back on the couch as he finishes stuffing his drums in the boxes.
Luke opens the door with a hard face but it softens as he realizes that were not on top of each other "why are you guys all the sudden all nice to each other?"
I smile at him over my phone "jealous much"
Lukes face turns red and he scratches his neck nervously before running his hand over his jaw scruff "I'm not jealous, we're not together"

I perch myself up on my elbows and he looks me over before smirking "you're wearing the flannel I sent you"
I look at the flannel and suddenly realize why it smelled so familiar. It was lukes cologne that was sprayed on it.
I sit up all the way and take it off setting it next to me. My crop top is more visible now and I see his eyes start to wander, older Luke sure is a lot less awkward and secretive when it comes to checking out girls.
I get up and decide to mess with him more, I walk past him making sure my hand brushes against his and he follows me out the door.
I hear Ashton scoff from the room and I start to question what I'm doing myself, but go along with it anyway.
I sit on the table that used to have food on it and he stands in front of me looking confused.
"What you followed me" I mumble smiling and he puts both his hands on either side of me and leans in so our foreheads are almost touching and he smiles at me smugly "you don't hate me lace.. I think you still love me.. You're just a little jealous"
I feel a blush creep up over my neck and he smiles even more, obviously noticing it.
He takes some of my hair between his two fingers and plays with it a little, making my heart flutter but I try my best to ignore it.
"Your face is almost as red as your hair baby girl" he mumbles and my breath hitches at the nickname, he laughs and kisses my forehead gently "don't start something you can't finish" he whispers before lifting himself up and walks away confidently, leaving me confused on a table. Bet you've never heard that sentence before

Next Door {l.r.h} [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz