34. Final goodbye

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"Lacy! It's time to go!" Mikey yells from downstairs and I sit up from laying on lukes chest and put my clothes back on
He stops me at my shirt and takes it out of my hand "wear mine" he says before picking his shirt up off the floor and putting it on me
I smile and go on my tippy toes to kiss him "thank you.. Text me okay?"
He puts his sweats on and hugs me, tighter than usual like he doesn't want to let go "I love you.. I'll see you when you get back"
I wrap my arms around his neck and let a couple tears shed "I love you too Luke"

Mikey bangs on the wall in front of the room and me and Luke let go of each other, both of us sighing in the process.
"Bye" he mumbles obviously trying to hold back tears
I nervously bite my lip "bye" I say before picking up my bag and opening the door. I look back at him watching me leave and give him a smile before finally going out the door and closing it behind me. I hear a painful sob on the other side and it takes everything in me to not go back in there to tell him I'll stay forever.
I need to do this, not only for my dreams but for myself.
I meet Mikey at the end of the staircase and Ashton and Calum engulf me in a hug immediately, hugging them back I finally let my tears shed and they both do too.
"We love you Lacy"
"I love you guys" I say letting go and smiling at both of them
They both hand me one of the bracelets they have on their wrists and I smile and put them on "thanks guys.. I'll call you when I land" I say smiling and kissing both of their cheeks
Mikey opens the door and puts his arm around me, walking to his car. I put my hand around his waist and smile at our friendship.


Lukes POV

I look out the window to see her and Mikey with arms around each other walking to the car, smiling.
I smile slightly at my shirt she's wearing reliving what just happened between us, what she said about it when I had doubts 'if you're gonna end something might as well end it right' and the way she looked back before leaving the room.
As they drive away I lean against the wall finally realizing it. Finally realizing that the love of my life is gone, to another country across the world. And I'm here, in a room where we just gave ourselves to each other and being depressed that she's gone.
I pick up her shirt that I took from her and hang it up in Mikey's guest room closet.
I walk out of the room that smells like love (lol ew) and make my way downstairs. Calum looks at me and gives me a sympathetic smile and I look down at my feet and sit in the recliner.
"Hey buddy, cheer up she'll be back and you guys can cuddle in real life instead of over video" I hear Ashton say with a little chuckle
"We broke up" I mumble and I hear the game they're playing pause and both of them putting the controllers down.
I look up to see concerned faces wanting more details and I sigh looking at my hands and picking at my fingernails "we both agreed that we couldn't handle a relationship across the world, so we broke up.. But then uhm.." I stop and wipe my eyes remembering, yet again even though it's only been twenty minutes, what we just shared with each other.
"Luke what'd you do?" I hear Calum ask and I look up at both of them with teary eyes
"While we were talking about it I said there would never be somebody else, and she kissed me.. And we.. Shared an intimate moment."

Ashton smirks "you fucked"
I look back at my fingers and nod, feeling tears start to roll down my cheek "I shouldn't have though. I mean I don't regret it at all because I love her but she left. Literally right after, and I could tell she didn't want to"
Calum pats my knee "she'll be back, when she visits and when she finishes college.. She said so"
I look at him and wipe my eyes "she's not gonna come back for us after Calum"
He looks confused and I bury my head in my hands, full on bawling "what she wants to do stays in California, not here" I say with a shaky voice and Calum shakes his head "no man she's gonna come back for you I know it.. Maybe not us as much but for a fact you.. She loves you man"
Ashton gets up and sits on the arm of the recliner and puts his hand on my shoulder "everything will work out"
I lift my head with tear stained cheeks and smile at both of them, before I can say anything back Mikey walks in, seeming to have cried as well and I look at him.
He sighs and I choke back on more tears "she's gone huh?"
Mikey nods "I heard the airport call her flight as I was walking out"
I sink in my chair and cover my face with my hands and start bawling harder than I've ever cried in my entire life. Another one of my loves was gone and I knew from the start we wouldn't make it. But what did I do I went for it anyway, and as soon as I did she got accepted into a stupid college and left.


Lacys POV

I walk through the tunnel to the plane that's taking me away from everything I love. I walk through the tunnel to the plane that I've been waiting for to achieve my dreams.
I nod politely at the flight attendant at the front of the plane and walk in, searching for my seat.
I walk down and look at every number and letter on every seat until I finally find mine around the middle section and slide into the window seat, looking out the window to see Australia for the last time for a while.
My chest burns at the realization that me and Luke are over because of this and I use every strength within me to not cry on this plane. I can cry when I get to my dorm.
My phone dings and I open the message and see its from Luke, answering my thoughts.

To: Lacy From: Idiot
You were right before. That pussy was bomb :-)

I giggle and shake my head, only Luke.

To: idiot From: Lacy
Ew nobody uses noses on their smileys

I shut my phone off for the plane ride smiling to myself at his dorkiness.
The flight attendant tells the passengers that the planes about to take off right as somebody sits in the seat next to me.
I look at her and smile "hey"
She looks at me while untangling her headphones "hello" she says putting one earphone in but leaving the one out of the ear that's facing me and smiling at me "what's for you in California?"
I'm taken aback at how polite she is "oh uh college" I say awkwardly and she puts a hand on my knee "good luck kid"
I giggle and she only smiles even more before flipping through some magazines



Next Door {l.r.h} [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz