29. Hair dye problems

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The rest of class was spent on me trying to pay attention while Mikey, next to me, bothered me constantly.

"Hey. Hey lace" Mikey whispered making me roll my eyes and look at him
"What?" I mumble, clearly annoyed
He smiles, knowing that he's annoying me and pretends to flip his non existent hair "why are you doing work when you could be talking to me"
I groan and lean back covering my face with my hands "Mikey, baby. I live with you"
His eyes widen and he covers my mouth before frantically looking around the room "don't say it like that my crush is like right over there" he whispers even quieter than before and I smirk into his hand
He shakes his head and pulls his hand away looking at it "ew you got lipstick on it"
I look at his hand "that's Chapstick, when did I out Chapstick on?"
Mikey wipes his hand on his jeans and rolls his eyes "if you would stop making out with Luke"

I giggle and swat his arm
He frowns at me and I cock (lol) my head to the side "what?"
He holds my hand and looks down in his lap before sighing "I'm really gonna miss you.. You've changed our lives so much"
I realize what he's talking about and sigh myself. I get up, making him look at me, and motion him to follow me outside. Once were outside I hug him, having to go on my tippy toes since he's much taller than me.
He hugs back and buries his head between my neck and my shoulder.

"Mikey don't start thinking about it now"
He hugs me tighter and a long sigh comes out of his mouth before he speaks "Lacy, whatever your last name is because you won't tell us what you go by, you're my best friend and I know you always think I'm lying because I have the band but in all seriousness Ashton always kept to himself and Luke and Calum always had each other so that just left me out to dry. Then I met you and at first yeah you were a little weird and stalkerish but then I started to really talk to you and we went on that one drive, remember that?" He asks and I nod rubbing his back signaling him to continue
He sniffles and chokes out a tear "okay and then you and Luke became this weird thing and I ship it so hard by the way, and Ashton started liking you then Calum by instinct really liked you and became your friend but I know you'll always be my bestest friend ever but now you're leaving and it's only been like a month and I can't believe this is hitting me so hard" he finishes letting me go and wiping his eyes with the back of his hands
I feel tears springing in my eyes at his little rant and I turn my gaze away from him "Mikey don't start crying because then I'll cry"
He shakes his head and hugs me again but this time my hands are on my face instead of around him.
I finally start to realize how much I'm actually gonna miss these boys, Luke the most of course but the others are definitely the top four on my list out of everybody here.
I'm gonna miss Mikey and his silly ways towards me, always making me happy whenever I was upset at either Luke or Marie or anything really. Mikey was always the one there out of anybody I've ever known and I can't express to myself how grateful I am to have him in my life.
I'm gonna miss Luke and how he always makes me feel beautiful even when I know I'm not. I'm gonna miss his loyalness towards me and the way he looks at me with all the love he has in his tall figure. The way he holds me while we sleep. The way he gets angry at me for the littlest things but still never wants to be away from me.
And especially Ashton and Calum and how they accepted me immediately, all these boys are such sweethearts and I can't bear the idea of having to be away from them for so long.

My thoughts are interrupted by our fellow students filing out of the classroom we were just in.
Mikey lets go of my and I look at him wiping his eyes and pout. I've never seen Mikey so vulnerable and put down, I'm so used to his happy go lucky attitude that seeing him so broken like this throws me off.
He takes his California republic SnapBack off and puts it on my head, backwards.
I give him a confused look as I adjust the SnapBack on my head so it's more comfortable and he sniffles wiping his eyes for the final time before explaining "I know you're not leaving yet but I want you to keep that.. It's my favorite" he says chuckling a little, thinking he sounds stupid.
I take it off and examine it and giggle at the red hair dye stains on the bottom of it and point at it with my finger.
He looks at what I'm pointing at before smiling and nodding "hair dye problems"
I throw my arms around his neck and pull him down so I can hug him easier "you little screamo loving brat, I love you" I mumble making him roll his eyes and push me off playfully, a smile creeping up on his face.
I put the SnapBack on my head like he did before and do a dramatic pose, while sniffling from the after maths of crying.
He laughs "so vogue lace"
I punch his shoulder and a pair of strong familiar arms are wrapped around my waist from behind me.
The person lays their head on my shoulder and once I see the messy blonde hair I know who it is.

"Hey lukey poo" I say and he chuckles into my shoulder at the nickname
Mikey wipes his eyes again and Luke pulls away from me and looks at him with a concerned expression "Mikey? What happened?" He asks going over to him
"Oh um we just shared a moment" I say sniffling again and Luke looks at me before his face drops completely and he grabs my face.
His eyes search my face with worry and his thumbs rub under my eyes, catching some stray tears.
"What happened to the both of you?" He asks bringing me into his arms, but turning to Mikey
"Oh I just got emotional over her leaving and we came out here and I ranted and we both started crying" Mikey explains and Luke leans down, kissing my head before looking back up at him with sad eyes "I hate seeing you like this Mike"
My heart warms at their brother relationship and Mikey hugs both of us making tears prick at my eyes again.
I choke out a little sob and both their heads shoot down to look at me.
"I'm sorry" I mumble burying my head in Luke's chest
"Lace" they both say at the same time making me let out another sob
Luke looks up at Mikey "I'm gonna take her back to my place so we can talk but I promise she'll be back tonight"
Mikey crosses his arms "that's right. Stop stealing her from me" he says before patting my head, with his hat still on it, and walking off.
I look at Luke who seems to be examining Mikey's hat on me and I wipe my nose before speaking "he wants me to keep it, as a best friend remembrance thing"
Luke smiles "you two really are inseparable"
I nod, letting tears roll freely, and sniffling.

Luke picks me up with no struggle and starts walking towards his car.
I hug around his neck as the tears finally almost stop and he skillfully opens the passenger side of his cars door with his foot making me giggle "30 man points for doing that"
He scoffs and rolls his eyes "Jesus lace shut up" he says putting me in the seat and closing the door


Luke leads me in his house and motions for me to go upstairs before turning around and locking the door
I go up his carpeted stairs, my mind running with what he could possibly want to talk to me about.
Okay I know what he wants to talk to me about but I don't think I'm ready for it and I hope it goes as well as the talk me and Mikey just had.
As I'm waiting on his desk chair I run my hands over his desk and the papers scattered on it.
I pick one up and read over it and notice the words immediately. It was from the song he was singing to me last night.
I smile as I read through it and it's suddenly taken out of my hands and I look up to see a smiling Luke "nosy?" He asks tucking some hair behind my ear
"Sorry" I mumble leaning into his hand and looking into his eyes
He wears a sad expression on his face and I pout at it.
I take his hand and nod "okay talk. Get it out I know you want to"
He shakes his head and picks me up. I look at him and grab his face making him laugh a little, lifting his spirits up.
He lays on the bed and lays me on him and I lay my head on his chest, hearing his fast heartbeat.
His hand finds my back and rubs it up and down softly. Letting out a long sigh he pulls me closer "I don't want you to go"
"I know"
"But you have to"
"I can't give up my dreams for you"
"I know that's what I mean" he mumbles rubbing his face with his other hand
"Just.. Don't forget me"
His head turns towards me and I look up at him "I could never forget you lace, never"


Sorry for this being kinda late after school I just went to bed and like... Slept for 6 hours.
Rip sleeping tonight though.. Oh well thank you for reading :)
PS: you're welcome for all the Mikey action

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