30. Boys..

17 6 0

Okay this chapters gonna kinda sound rushed and be shorter because I'm not feeling myself this week but it'll get better I promise! Bear with me my friends :)


I wake up around six to see Luke sleeping with his body sprawled out on me.
I look at the time to confirm my suspicions on how late it is and realize Mikey probably wants me home soon. He's like a strict dad who gives the boyfriend constant lectures.
I move Luke's lanky body off me careful not to wake him up and sit up looking around for my things.
I hear a light shuffle from behind me but assume it's just Luke getting into a more comfortable position in his sleepy state.
I grab my phone that somehow ended up on the floor and get up to grab my jacket from his desk chair. One more thing.
I look around me for Mikey's hat, being sure to always keep it with me so I don't lose it like I usually do with everything else.
I look under the desk, bed, and around the entire floor until I look to my side and see Luke standing next to the door smirking, with the SnapBack in his hand.
I smile and go towards him not remembering him ever get up.
"I was trying not to wake you" I say and he pulls me close before putting the SnapBack on my head.
"It's okay.. Also, Mikey's the only guy I'm okay with you wearing his clothes, nobody else okay?" He says with with eyebrows raised and I smile "yes dad"
He smirks again and licks his lips "dad? As in.. Daddy?"
I let out a exasperated groan and push off of him "I'm gonna go back before you get any ideas"
He leans over and kisses my cheek "I'll be over there tomorrow for band practice, also known as eating pizza while Ashton violently bangs on his drums" he says laughing and I nod
"Love you" I say messing up his hair before going out the door
"Love you too drive safe okay?" He says behind me and I raise my hand to assure him that I will.


When I finally get back to Mikey's after a much longer drive than I expected because of unnecessary traffic.
Honestly since when is there traffic here I almost got crashed into four times!
I grunt and walk into the house and is met with Mikey and Ashton fighting on the couch.
I decided to ignore their screams and tugging of the remote.
I start making my way upstairs thinking about what Luke said and I feel more tears prick at my eyes. I'm leaving in less than a month and I'm already a wreck I don't know how I'm going to deal when--
My thoughts are interrupted when there's a huge bang back on the bottom of the stairs.
I run back down and see Mikey and Ashton both up with their eyes wide and frozen.

"Jesus Christ what happened?" I ask and they both look at me and smile
"Nothing the tv just fell.. Again" Mikey said and as promised the tv is on the floor, shattered.
"Hey" Ashton says walking over to me looking concerned
I look up at him and he pouts, looking at me.
"What?" I ask and he shakes his head, wiping my eyes
"Whatever Luke did don't cry about it"
I lightly chuckle "no ash Luke didn't do anything.."
"Yeah of anything it's what she's doing" Mikey says and I nod, starting my way back upstairs.
As I make it into my room I hear Ashton and Mikey mumbling downstairs then loud foot steps coming up the stairs.
I turn around to see them both running towards me and as if by instinct, I immediately run in my room and lock the door to keep them out.

"Lacy pie open up" Ashton says tapping his fingers on the wall
I groan and lay back on my bed covering my face with the pillow
I hear them both sing my name and loud pounding at the door before it finally goes quiet.
I sigh in relief into my pillow thinking they've finally given up, only hearing Ashton mumbling something as I remove the pillow from my head and grab my book.
I attempt to read it when there's a tap at my door again.
I ignore it and bury my face deeper in the book to block out the world. As I finally start to concentrate on the book a couple minutes later, a series of taps sound from my door and I let out a loud grunt before slamming my book down and stomping over to my door.
"Oh shit she's mad" I hear Mikey say as I fling open the door with my face red and my hands in tight fists.

I look to see all four of them smiling at me with bright smiles before they all scream and tackle me.
"Guys!" I whine struggling to get out of their grasp but ultimately fail as they tighten their grip.
They all smile at each other and take in a deep breath, I widen my eyes and cover my ears.

"WE LOVE YOU LACY" they all scream at once and I let a smile come across my face at their stupid attempts to make me feel better.
Ashton kisses my cheek and Luke nudges him with a warning look, only for Ashton to turn at me and roll his eyes.
"Guys I love you too and Calum and Luke thanks for coming but I really want to be alone and do my own thing tonight" I say making all of them pout
"Can I stay?" Luke asks making the other three look between us
I cup his face with my hand "go home babe I'll see you tomorrow"
His face drops but he nods, hopefully understanding
They all get off me and I stand up fixing my clothes but get interrupted by all of them hugging me.
"We hope you feel better" Calum whispers in my ear as somebody else rubs my back, not sure who, but it was nice.
All of them, except Luke, kiss some part of my face other than my lips and Luke let's go and stomps like a baby.
"Guys that's my girlfriend" he whines pouting and I smile walking over to him
He looks at me still pouting and I grab his face and kiss him.
He smiles into the kiss and holds my waist.

"Ew guys stop!"
"Oh my god my eyes are bleeding"
"Ayyee Luke get it"

I pull away and lean my head on Luke's chest, laughing to myself
These boys will be the death of me.


Kinda surprised it's over 1000 words still wow okay well thanks for reading lovelies :)

Next Door {l.r.h} [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz