39. Cluelessness

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*lol are you ready. Cause if you're not don't read this chapter also, that picture will explain itself in a minute*

"No Brooke I'm not wearing that to the concert" I say at my best friend who's currently holding up the shortest dress I've ever seen. This girl is nice and all but when it comes to clothes she can be a little too risky frisky for me. She puts the dress back and rolls her eyes before going to another rack. We had decided to go to the mall to find me a new outfit to wear to the concert since all I own are girly things and everybody there would probably be dressed like the boys and I didn't want to stand out. I pick out a pair of light blue skinny jeans with rips in them and a black crop top, assuming they want me to wear the flannel they sent and I hold them up for Brooke to see. She narrows her eyes as if she's examining it and she nods, pointing to the cashier. I guess I can try it on later I'm sure it fits, says every girl ever.
As we walk out I look at the time and realize my flight leaves in about two hours. Not realizing how long we were actually at the mall I nudge Brooke and show her the time. Her face drops with worry as we grab all the bags and rush to the car, luckily we put my bags in there beforehand.
We scan the parking lot and she stomps her foot in annoyance at the fact that we can't find it, I cover my face from the sun and finally spot the red vehicle and I grab her hand and run to it immediately. The airport is about ten minutes away because this is California and there are airports everywhere. Brooke drives faster than I've ever experienced someone driving and I grip the door handle, ready to jump out if we run into something.
She somehow swerves her way through the traffic and manages to get me into the airport in five minutes. Impressive.
I smile at her and hug her promising to call when I land and update her on when I'll be back. As much as I would love to stay with the boys in Australia, I still have a couple years left in college, but it is summer break at the moment so hopefully I can stay there for a bit.
I jog over to security and bag check, rolling my oversized bags with me plus the plastic bag containing the items I had just bought minutes ago. I look at all the people in front of me and sigh, tapping my foot in an impatient action. Can you blame me for being impatient? I'm about to see my four boys after two years.
My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pick it up assuming it's another FaceTime from "hot pizza" aka Mikey.
I make sure his hat is on my head and I answer, smiling but keeping my eyes on the line.
Mikey puts his finger over his mouth and points the camera towards the boys kitchen where Calum is talking to Luke.
I get red at the sight of Luke, he looks so different. His hair is no longer quiffed but fringed to the side, he has scruff on his jaw which is pretty hot, and he's somehow gotten taller and muscles has formed. Mikey wasn't kidding when he said puberty hit him well.
Luke runs his hands down his face, an old habit I remember, and groans at Calum "listen I know I shouldn't talk to her but I really want her to be there you know? She's so special to us and she won't be at our biggest show yet"
I hear a giggle from Mikey and I smile at his cluelessness (so apparently this is a word btw).
Calum crosses his arms at Calum with an angry expression "and what are you gonna do the moment she gets back? Get back with her?"
Luke let's his head fall back and he lets out a sigh "you know I can't but.. I really want to"
Calums face gets even angrier and he punches lukes arm "you can't just lead these girls on in attempt to forget about Lacy! You have a girlfriend right now.. You finally told me yesterday, when are you gonna tell the rest of the boys?!"
My face pales and my body goes numb. He has a girlfriend. He said there would never be anybody else, he lied, just like everyone else.
Mikeys face comes back on the screen with a worried expression "that wasn't supposed to happen, lace I had no idea"
I fake a smile and shake my head "hey it's fine it's been a couple years I expected this.. Plus I'm not coming over there to only see him. Anyway the lines moving and I'm getting on my flight soon so I'll see you when you pick me up bye Mikey I love you" I say and end the call before he could say anything else. I feel the tears springing at the corner of my eyes but I blink them away and take a deep breath, I refuse to cry over him again. I will not cry over Luke.
My promise to myself lasted about five seconds before I open my eyes and the tears fall out involuntarily, but I wipe them away and use all of my energy in holding the rest back. Okay so maybe the boy I love is with somebody else but that doesn't change my happiness for seeing them. Then again he was my friend before my boyfriend, and I can get another boyfriend too. Two can play at this game hemmo.
I giggle at myself for my sudden competitive thoughts and I finally make it to security I take off my shoes, almost falling in the process and put them and all my electronics in the box. I mentally slap myself for wearing high tops to the airport, knowing for sure they're gonna take forever to put back on.
I go through the metal detector, secretly getting anxiety as I do so just in case there actually is a gun down my pants, even though I one hundred percent know that there's not.
As I get my stuff back I take it to the waiting area and take six years to put my shoes on. Dumb high tops, they're new as well so you already know they're hard to put on.
I look at the time and notice I have thirty minutes until my plane leaves, good thing I wasn't late.

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