3. Drummer Thing

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A few days have passed without seeing the boys, that's okay though I did only just meet them.

I've been hanging with Marie quite often and studying a lot as well. I decided to skip class today to binge watch once upon a time because that's the only class I take and I'm way ahead until next year anyway.
I'm kinda bummed out I still have to go to that internship though, he makes me do only the boring things that he doesn't want to do.

He said it himself

As I'm laying on my bed watching once upon a time and eating popcorn I hear the doorbell ring
I wait for Marie to get it like she usually does then hear the bell again.
I groan realizing Marie is on her trip to Spain to visit her family and get out of my comfortable state.

I squeal when my feet hit the floor because of how cold it is and put on my reindeer slippers.

I make my way to the door and open it in my sleepy state and see Michael.

"Oh hey" I say smiling

"Nice hair." He says laughing and I scowl playfully

"What's up" I ask referring to him being at my door

He shrugs "haven't seen you in class in a couple days I wanted to make sure you're still alive"

I chuckle "yeah. Just binge watching"

"Of course"

After that there was an awkward silence since we still don't know each other that much

"Alright well..." I say and he cuts me off

"We're practicing in about an hour and we would love for you to come check us out" he says really fast and I smile and nod

"Sure. I'll be there when I hear music"

"Cool see you then" he says giving me a little wave and walking down the stairs

That was awk

I close the door and look at myself in the mirror
Okay yeah I'm not going down there with messy hair, sweats, and reindeer slippers.

Shower time.
I make my way to the shower and turn it on making sure it's the perfect temperature.
When I get in I sigh at how good it feels and start to give myself an extreme wash considering the fact I haven't showered in about three days
Gross I know don't remind me.

I wash my hair, shave, wash my body, and turn the water off
I reach for my cocoa butter lotion and put some of that on just for the fact that I love smelling like chocolate.

I put a towel around my body and go to my closet to stare at it for eternity until I decide what to wear

I decide on a hoodie and some leggings, what. I want to look cute not like I'm trying too hard.

I struggle to put my leggings on due to my wet legs and fall in the process.
"Fuck" I mumble flailing my legs around to pull the leggings up
When I finally get them up I sigh in relief and put my YouTube hoodie on.
I stand in front of the mirror and do poses just to give me a boost of confidence and smile when I find one that makes my butt look the best and laugh at my ridiculousness.

I sit on my bed and finish my once upon a time show and wait for the music to start.
After about two hours it finally does and I pull myself out of bed yet again and make my way downstairs.

I stand in front of their garage seeing that it's somewhat open and I crawl under, not bothering to knock.

Luke and Calum are eating pizza and talking while Michael is yelling at Ashton to stop taking his guitar.

Michael turns to me "lace" he says smiling letting Ashton have the guitar and making his way over to me
Luke looks over and gives me a smile before turning back to Calum

"We ordered pizza hopefully you like pepperoni" Michael says handing me a piece and I cringe at the sight
"Oh no thanks I really don't like pizza" I say and all of them immediately gasp in sync

I look around and laugh at their stupidness and Michael grabs my shoulders
"What devil is inside you that you don't like pizza." He says and I mess up his hair

"Lactose intolerance" I say and I see Ashton cringe
"That means she shits a lot" he says and I roll my eyes and shake my head
"Ashton you shit a lot"
"Ashton you are shit"
"Ashton eats shit"

I look over to see Ashton pout and hit his drums in protest

"Put a shirt on man. THERES GIRLS HERE" Michael yelled at Ashton throwing the pizza at him
Ashton winks at me and I blush by instinct

"'Nah she loves it see" he says and they all look at me with amused faces
"Okay enough. We need to get that note down. Ashton stop dropping your drum stick, Calum stop breaking your strings, and Michael. Please just take it seriously" Luke says and I sit in a chair behind Ashton to get out of the way

"It's not like we're gonna be famous" Michael says
"Don't care cmon lets do it" Luke says picking his guitar up
I examine it and see that it's white with a red 'X' spray painted on it and the back is black with some stickers.

"Try not to stare at my back too much" Ashton says to me smiling and I shake my head laughing
Luke gives a glare to Ashton and he raises his hands and begins the beat

I try my hardest not to get up and dance around and scream out the words so instead I tap my foot to the beat and enjoy this while it lasts.


Towards the end, Ashton breaks a drum stick and he groans loudly and leaves to go get another one.
Michael comes over and sits next to me

"Did you like it?" He asks and I nod smiling

I notice Luke looking over but away quickly when he realizes I can see him

Michael looks at him and smiles before looking back at me

"You don't have to stay with our lameness after if you don't want to we're practically done" he says

"I have to go to the internship right now anyway. Thank you so much for inviting me"

"Yeah no prob but it wasn't my idea"

I furrow my eyebrows and he points to Luke

I nod "I'll go thank him then" I say getting up and going over to Luke

Wow he's tall

I tap his arm since I can't reach his shoulder and he turns around smiling

"Yeah?" He asks

"Thanks for inviting me"

"Oh uh.. He told you okay.. Yeah no problem you seem cool" he says awkwardly and I smile in return

"See you guys later" I say before climbing under the garage door again
As I'm walking away I hear Ashton say "I DIDNT GET TO SAY BYE" and bang on his drums in frustration.

Must be a drummer thing.

Next Door {l.r.h} [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz