Calling Seungcheol

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The principal did end up calling Seungcheol while Seungcheol was in the middle of class and he scurried to leave his own school and get out of uniform.

He reached the school in just enough time as the other parents were getting there.

"You're Chan's guardian, right?" The principal asks and Seungcheol nodded meaning he was correct.

Seungcheol put out his hand to shake the principals hand as he asks "Did Chan do something wrong again?"

The principal shook Seungcheol's hand back and sighed as he says "yes...again."

As Seungcheol entered the room where the two other parents were, along with Chan and another kid sitting next to him.

"There was a fight going on in the cafeteria between these two. I wouldn't have called you for something as small as this, but your kids have been getting into enormous trouble lately." The principal explains.

"I know, I'm very sorry on our sons behalf" the mother of the other child says in a bow.

"It's okay...but what I'm saying is if they get into another fight, they'll be expelled. We can't keep suspending them if they're not going to reflect on what they did wrong after." The principal continues to explain and the room went quiet.

Seungcheol cleared his throat, looking at the principal starting to say "I know Chan's a little rebellious but..."

Seungcheol then got cut off there by the principal. "I know you might be trying to defend your son in any sort of way but I'm sorry that's how things are." The principal explains.

After the principal ranting more about things like how causing trouble is bad and threatening that the boys would be expelled, they finally left the principals office.

"Chan, you have to stop getting into fights." Seungcheol says in a serious tone.

"Why would I listen to you!?" Chan huffs, turning his head away from Seungcheol so he wasn't looking at him anymore.

"Because I'm your guardian!"

"Fake guardian" Chan mutters.

"Hey" Seungcheol says in an angry matter and Chan soon shut up.

"Just because I'm not your real guardian doesn't mean I don't care for you just as much as they would. I don't want you being a high school drop out and having to work at the gas station all your life." Seungcheol says in a serious tone.

"Come on, I'll sign you out early and we'll go home, okay?" Seungcheol asks and Chan faintly nodded.

"I'm...sorry Seungcheol" Chan says, on the verge of tears.

"Its alright" Seungcheol said, then ruffling Chan's hair in a smile and Chan quickly smiled back.

After school had finished the boys went back home all together. Once they got into the house, half of them were already dead tired.

"Hey Wonwoo" Mingyu awkwardly says, slowly walking into the bedroom the two of them shared.

Before Soonyoung, Wonwoo was the last to enter the house. He didn't really talk much so no one started conversation with him.

Wonwoo looked up from the person was drawing in his sketch book and smirked a bit, meaning 'hi.'

"What're you drawing?" Mingyu asks, now coming up beside Wonwoo and looking at his drawings.

Wonwoo was drawing a portrait of someone which amazed Mingyu with how realistic this person looked. Even though he didn't know who the person was.

Runaways Seventeen fanfic (Jihan, Soonhoon, Minhui, Meanie, Verkwan, Chancheol)Where stories live. Discover now