Jun's past

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Jeonghan and Joshua were the only two left at the dance but decided to leave once they figured no one else was there anymore since they couldn't find anyone. 

"I can't believe they all left without us. We even told Wonwoo that we wanted to leave, he said he'd come and tell us when he left as well!" Joshua says in a groan. 

"Yeah, it's alright Joshua...let's just go home now." Jeonghan answers, already heading out of the school first. As the two boys were leaving the school, someone called out to Joshua from behind and Joshua turned around to see who it was. 

As Joshua looked behind him, he was surprised to see who it was. It was his younger brother. "H-Hey Jihu" Joshua says in an awkward smile. 

"What's up?" Jihu asks and Joshua awkwardly chuckled, not knowing how to reply. 

"Who's this?" Jeonghan asks, looking at Joshua, who still had the uncomfortable expression on his face. 

"This guy over here, he's my brother. His name is Jihu" Joshua explains and Jeonghan quickly looked at Jihu, a bit shocked. Jeonghan knew Joshua was a run away from home, but he never knew that he had any siblings. 

"What're you doing here?" Joshua asks and Jihu shrugged. 

"I could be asking you the same thing. Mom thought you were dead or something when you suddenly disappeared, is this where you hang out now?" 

"No, I just came to pick him up" Joshua explains, referring to Jeonghan. 

"Well I'm not going to tell mom I saw you, but have a nice life." Jihu says in a smile before waving goodbye and turning around. 

Jeonghan was a bit confused, looking at Joshua puzzled and asking "doesn't your parents care that you ran away...you never told me you had a younger brother either" Jeonghan explains and Joshua chuckled off the awkward aura. 

"Yeah, I have a younger brother but I don't think they care. I was never close to my mother so it's not surprising that she doesn't care. I hope this is the last time I see my younger brother though" Joshua explains before turning around and continuing to make his way to the house. 

Jeonghan started to walk side by side with Joshua once again and asks in curiosity "why does he have a Korean name and you have an American name?" 

Joshua looked down while walking, thinking about it for a bit before saying "that's not important right now, let's just make sure we get home safe" Joshua says in a smile, continuing to walk, face forward.

Chan was in his room, on his phone when Seungcheol came in, in a sigh, tired. Chan noticed Seungcheol with a tired expression on his face and asks "Seungcheol...are you alright?" 

Seungcheol let out a breath of air, walking over to his bed and sitting down on the edge of it before saying "no...I'm tired."

"Tired of what?" 

"All the drama that is going on in the house. I'm just really stressed, not to mention I have to study for my test that is coming up during this week. Trying to be a 'father' taking care of twelve kids is tiring enough as it is. Going to school on top of it all is slowly killing me" Seungcheol explains. 

Chan never thought about how Seungcheol felt whenever he got in trouble. He always forgot Seungcheol himself was still a student because they went to different schools. He felt bad for taking advantage of Seungcheol and says a faint "I'm sorry..." 

Seungcheol was a bit confused, looking at Chan with a confound expression on his face, saying a faint "huh?" 

"I said I'm sorry...for you know, causing so much trouble. I even got expelled." Chan explains and Seungcheol smiled. 

Runaways Seventeen fanfic (Jihan, Soonhoon, Minhui, Meanie, Verkwan, Chancheol)Where stories live. Discover now