waking everyone up for breakfast

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"Kids, breakfast is ready come down and eat!" Seungcheol shouts from downstairs, but no one was coming down to eat anything. "Don't make me come up there and get you all" Seunghceol threatens but no one was coming down to eat breakfast. 

Seungcheol lightly groaned to himself, walking upstairs to get everyone to eat breakfast. He went to Jun and Minghao's bedroom first since it was the first bedroom on the left. He slowly opened their bedroom door to call them down when he saw them both sitting down on Minghao's bed, making out. 

He coughed to try and get the two of them off of each other, and when the two boys realised Seungcheol was there, they quickly parted from one another. Minghao's cheeks turned into a light pink while Jun parted from Minghao and looked away from where Seungcheol was, embarrassed that he had just caught them making out. 

"You two are dating now?" Seungcheol questions, leaning on the door frame. 

"We...we are" Minghao answers for the both of them. 

"Well I kind of figured you two would start dating at one point...come downstairs, I made breakfast...and no 'doing it' in the house." Seungcheol says before closing the door and going to the next room which was Hansol and Seungkwan's room. 

Even before opening the door, Seungcheol could hear the chaos coming from their bedroom. "Hansol's angry again" he thought to himself before opening the bedroom door to see what was going on himself. 

When Seungcheol opened the bedroom door, Hansol turned his head to the slowly opened door and threw his pillow at it. "GET OUT!" Hansol shouts, almost like he was a wild animal. 

Seungkwan quickly went to the door where Seungcheol was and says in a shaky voice "Seungcheol, Hansol is really angry...I mean...this is the angriest I've ever seen him. What do you want Seungcheol, just talk to me instead of Hansol." Seungkwan asks, he sounded very scared. 

Seungcheol looked at Seungkwan concerned while answering "I just wanted to know if you guys wanted to come downstairs to eat breakfast." 

"No...I-I think Hansol and I are going to skip breakfast today, thank you though...Seungcheol." Seungkwan continues to say in his shaky tone of voice, trying to close the door but Seungcheol put his foot in between the door and the door frame so Seungkwan couldn't close it. 

"Seungkwan...are you going to be okay in a room with him?" Seunghceol questions, looking at Seungkwan concerned. 

Seungkwan was about to answer Seungcheol but it could be heard that Hansol was now punching the walls and screaming. Seungkwan turned his head to glance back at Hansol and then looked at Seungcheol once again. "I'll be fine...I'd rather me be in here watching Hansol just to make sure he doesn't do anything he'll regret...you get me?" 

"Yeah I understand...if you need me, if he does something...then just come out and call down to me, I'm downstairs." Seunghceol answers and Seungkwan nodded meaning he knew. Seungcheol brought his foot back and Seungkwan closed the door to his bedroom. Hansol's shouting could still be heard from outside the room. 

He didn't bother to go to the next bedroom which was Seokmin's because he saw Seokmin chasing after his friend Minhyuk a while ago outside of the house, so he already knew he wasn't in his bedroom. The next bedroom after was his own that he shared with Chan. 

He slightly opened the door to see that Chan was still sleeping soundly in his bed. "How can he sleep over the shouting?" He thought to himself, a bit amazed. He still wasn't sure what was going on between himself and Chan. He didn't know what they were. He hesitantly walked into the room, going up to Chan and shaking his shoulder to try and wake him up. "Chan, Chan wake up" he says. 

Runaways Seventeen fanfic (Jihan, Soonhoon, Minhui, Meanie, Verkwan, Chancheol)Where stories live. Discover now