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Minghao and Jun were both walking home together, Minghao was trying to jump into the small amount of snow which was starting to form on the ground from the overnight snowfall, but not much snow had fallen so it looked like he was just jumping up and down because he was happy. 

"Minghao, stop jumping around like a bunny, people are looking at us weirdly!" Jun says, trying to put one hand on Minghao's shoulder to keep him down, but that didn't stop him. 

"The whole ground is covered in a blanket of snow Jun, isn't it beautiful!?" Minghao asks in a smile, sounding more excited then before. 

Jun looked around at the snow on the ground around him and took a good look at it. Most of the snow had already been stepped on so it didn't look like a blanket of snow, and the cars on the road was making the snow turn into slush. He scrunched up his face to what Minghao had said. "I think you're imagining things Minghao." 

"I'm not imaging things Jun~ Winter is one of my favourite seasons because the snow is so beautiful!" Mighao exclaims, now jumping up and down even higher by the second. 

Jun looked around to still see people staring at them and got embarrassed. He brought one arm and wrapped it around Minghao so he was holding Minhao in his arm. "No more jumping, come on now." Jun says, holding onto Minghao tightly. 

Minghao's eyes opened wider and his heart started to skip a beat when Jun wrapped his arm around him. "J-Jun" Minghao manages to let out but it came out as a stutter rather then just saying Jun's name properly. 

"What...what's wrong Minghao?" Jun asks, looking down at Minghao with his rosy cheeks because of the cold weather outside. Minghao could see the visible breath coming from Jun's mouth when he was breathing in and out because of how cold it was. In an odd way, he found it attractive.

Minghao continued to just stare at Jun before realising Jun had asked him something and shook his head to get out of thought. "Huh, yeah I'm fine why're you asking?" Minghao asks with an awkward chuckle at the end. 

"I don't know, you have this weird expression on your face or something" Jun answers, now turning his head so he was looking in front of them. 

"Oh it's nothing..." Minghao says, reassuring Jun not to worry and Jun nodded his head, meaning okay. 

The two of them continued to walk home in that position, not only because it calmed Minghao down from jumping around everywhere, but it also kept the two of them warm. 

Meanwhile with Jihoon he couldn't stop thinking about what he had agreed to, to go back home on Saturday to actually see his parents from a year of being a runaway. 

He walked into the house and took off his soaking shoes from the snow. He shook off the snow from his jacket and hung it on a hanger before walking up to his bedroom where he saw Soonyoung underneath his covers. "Soonyoung, you feeling any better?" Jihoon questions, looking at Soonyoung with a concerned expression on his face. 

"Yeah, I'm really tired though...." Soonyoung says, he didn't want Jihoon to talk to him. 

Jihoon sighed deeply and sat down on the edge of his own bed, looking at Soonyoung who was still under the covers. "Soonyoung...I know I messed up in the past. You know I want another chance, please give me another one." Jihoon asks, looking at Soonyoung's silhouette from under the covers with pleading eyes. 

Soonyoung didn't say anything, thinking about things for a couple of minutes before answering "how will you treat me?" 

"How will I treat you?" Jihoon repeats, looking at Soonyoung confused on why he would ask something like that. 

Runaways Seventeen fanfic (Jihan, Soonhoon, Minhui, Meanie, Verkwan, Chancheol)Where stories live. Discover now