"Keep it a secret"

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Once the end of the day came, news spread about Hansol being stabbed in the art room because the art room was then closed for the day and police were roaming the school, searching for Seungkwan and Hansol. 

"Hansol, have you heard the news?!" Seungkwan asks, entering their room to see Hansol still lying down but on his phone in his bed.

"Yeah I have...Seungkwan you have to tell the police that you didn't help me get away. I'll tell them I got up by myself and left when you went to go check where the teacher was down the hall."

"What, what's so bad that will happen to me if I say I helped you leave the scene?!" Seungkwan asks and Hansol sighed deeply.

"Just keep it a secret Seungkwan, if you say anything else or for God sake if you say you helped me leave to the police I will never forgive you. I'll deal with the police myself when they come to question me on how I got up and left. Leave everything to me." Hansol says in a serious tone and Seungkwan nodded with a frown on his face.

"I'll leave you to rest..." Seungkwan says, slowly walking out of the room to leave Hansol alone but was greeted with Soonyoung, standing outside their bedroom door.

"O-Oh, hey Soonyoung" Seungkwan says in a tired, sad tone.

"Is Hansol okay, I heard he got stabbed?" Soonyoung asks and Seungkwan nodded meaning he was right.

"We should just leave him to rest for now, come on" Seunkwan says, leading Soonyoung downstairs where everyone else already was.

"What happened with Hansol, is he okay?" Joshua asks, looking at Seungcheol to see if he knew what had happened.

"I'm not sure what happened to Hansol but we shouldn't bring it up around him. He's probably still stressed about it now." Seungcheol explained and everyone nodded meaning they understood.

Wonwoo then says a faint "I'll be in my bedroom if anyone needs me" turning around and walking up the stairs.

"He's so emotionless, he doesn't even care that Hansol got stabbed" Seokmin says in a faint mumble under his breath.

"Hey don't talk about him like that, he just doesn't know Hansol too well yet, that's why he doesn't care." Mingyu says, trying to defend Wonwoo.

Seokmin rolled his eyes, then asking "why're you trying to defend him, other then Jun he ignores everyone in the house. He ignores you too so you shouldn't try defending him."

"Hey, Jun is a nice person, don't bring him into this~" Minghao says in a little pout, looking at Seokmin.

"See you're only defending Jun because he only talks to you! I swear he has something out for all of us except for you Minghao" Seokmin says, then looking at Jun.

Jun looked at Seokmin in anger and then turning around, storming away out of the house.

"Jun, wait up~" Minghao says, running after Jun who had left the house.

"Okay guys we shouldn't fight. I know it's a little hectic with Hansol getting stabbed but we shouldn't start fights with one another!" Seungcheol exclaims, looking at everyone seriously.

"Yeah whatever, I'm going to a house party tonight so don't bother me, I'm going to get ready" Seokmin says, starting to walk away until Seungcheol grabbed a hold of his shoulder to stop him.

"Seokmin, don't come home too late and don't drink, last time you came home you were drunk. You're still in grade ten, you shouldn't be drinking..." Seungcheol says and Seokmin moved his shoulder a bit so Seungcheol lost grip of it.

Runaways Seventeen fanfic (Jihan, Soonhoon, Minhui, Meanie, Verkwan, Chancheol)Where stories live. Discover now