coming to Korea

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Minghao was in his bedroom and locked the door so he made sure Chan or Hansol wouldn't be able to come in if they for some reason wanted to talk to him. 

Once locking the door Minghoa sat down onto his bed and pulled out the envelopes he found at his fathers house in the kitchen. He held one envelop in his hand and started to shaking. He was hesitant to open it but did it anyway. The note he had opened said: 

Dear Xiang: 

I'm writing you these letters because I need a reply! I know you hate me, but I want to know if Minghao is doing he eating well...sleeping well? I know he probably hates me and he would never want to know I'm writing to you, but this for me? I hate being parted from Minghao and I know he probably won't come to me either. 

I send you as much money as I can...can you at least send Minghao to me, no matter how much he complains tell him it's for the best. I want to make things better with him and in all honesty we both know you don't want him. You never wanted a kid, so send him to me to get him out of your hair. 

I have no phone or email contact with you, writing these letters are the most I can do, so please write back.

From: Chuntao

Minghao crumpled up the letter and threw it across the room. "Like I'd ever go to you" Minghao says in anger, staring at the crumpled paper he had just thrown across the room.

He then opened up another letter and continued to read. 

Dear Xiang: 

I've sent ten of these letters with no response yet...are you reading them and doing nothing, or are you just ignoring them? Do you not understand I will take Minghao out of your hair for you! My parents want Minghao, you don't deserve to be his father! Don't hurt him too much please, that's what keeps me up at night if you're still abusing him, please don't hurt him!

I can't take it anymore, if you don't give Minghao to me I will come to Korea myself and take him. I will not be lending you any more money because as you can tell I am saving up to send Minghao and myself back to China. You're going to be alone because we don't need you!

I will have enough money on December thirty first so on Christmas day I will come and take Minghao from your horrible dungeon! Have his bags packed and ready because I'll be coming with my mother this time.

 From: Chuntao 

Minghao looked at the letter in confusion and with wide eyes. "S-She's coming to Korea?!" He thought to himself, so surprised he thought he was going to faint. 

A mixture of anger and confusion were forming inside him. He crumpled up that letter as well and threw it across the room in anger. "She's not bringing me back to China, she can try all she wants but I am not leaving Korea." Minghao says to himself in a determined, angry tone.

Meanwhile with Chan he was with the girl again from the other day and they were in his bedroom, sitting down on his bed. "You know what day is coming up, right Chan?" The girl asks, looking at Chan seriously and Chan nodded his head meaning he knew. 

"I know...what...what am I going to do when it comes?" Chan asks, you could tell he pushed out those words from his throat. He sounded hurt just talking bout it. 

"I want to say we leave this place." 

"Leave this place...what do you mean?" Chan asks, looking at the girl confused. 

"You know, we should just end it there..." 

"End what, our lives?" Chan asks, looking at the girl and the girl nodded meaning yes. 

Runaways Seventeen fanfic (Jihan, Soonhoon, Minhui, Meanie, Verkwan, Chancheol)Where stories live. Discover now