"I don't want to be a disappointment"

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As Mingyu walked up to the roof since he figured Wonwoo would be eating there, he saw Wonwoo sitting on the steps leading up the the rooftop. "Is it too cold out there for you?" Mingyu asks, taking  a seat next to Wonwoo and pulling out his lunch. 

"Just a bit" Wonwoo answers in a low tone, slowly eating his lunch. 

"Since it's snowing we should go sledding or something, doing something fun in the snow!" Mingyu exclaims in an excited tone. 

"At the end of the month the winter dance is happening, but I don't think you'd want to go to that figuring you don't like loud places" Wonwoo points out and Mingyu staid quiet for a bit. 

"You know what, why don't we go together this time and actually try having a good time? Last dance was ruined for you because of me, I want to make it up to you!" 

"You said you were able to withstand the loud music at the last dance and you couldn't...I don't want you saying that about this one and in the end, you won't be able to leave the washroom half of the time because you're crying in a stall" Wonwoo answers and Mingyu groaned, placing his head in his hands while looking down. 

"Don't remind me how I ruined your night man, it makes me feel bad" Mingyu says in a sad tone and Wonwoo looked at him for a couple of seconds without saying anything. 

Mingyu felt that it was a bit awkward that Wonwoo wasn't saying anything and looked up at him to see what was wrong. Once Mingyu looked up at Wonwoo, that's when Wonwoo said "Mingyu, you didn't ruin my night at all...I don't want to go to this dance because I don't want you crying again. I don't like it when you cry" Wonwoo answers and Mingyu looked at Wonwoo a bit surprised. 

At the same time Mingyu's heart started to thump and he looked away from Wonwoo so he could control his emotions. 

With Joshua and Jeonghan, Joshua was converting some of the pictures he had took from the last dance and was uploading them onto the computer where they were putting the yearbook together. Jeonghan was with him as well and he was eating his lunch next to the computer Joshua was uploading the pictures onto. 

"Make sure not to get any of the food on the rough drafts" Joshua says in a strict tone, not turning his head away from the computer screen but was talking to Jeonghan since they were the only two in the room. 

"I won't, jeez" Jeonghan says in an annoyed tone as he continued to eat his lunch. 

"So...have you thought about doing that musical thing I told you about this morning?" Joshua asks and Jeonghan swallowed his food before answering. 

"I have thought about it for a bit...and I guess I'll take up the offer if you do it with me. If I pass the audition and you don't, then I'm backing out. I'm not going to do the musical without you in it" Jeonghan explains and Joshua chuckled a bit. 

"What, what's so funny?" Jeonghan asks, by now finishing the last of his lunch but was talking with his mouth full. 

"Nothing it's just nice you're such a close friend, other people wouldn't do that." Joshua explains and Jeonghan lightly smirked. 

"Well we're best friends, aren't we?" Jeonghan answers, leaning back in the chair he was sitting on. 

Joshua then stopped typing what he was suppose to write and looked down at the keyboard thinking about something. "Jeonghan if we're best friends, you'd tell me anything, right? Even your secretes?" Joshua asks and Jeonghan staid quiet for a minute or two before answering. 

"Yeah I guess if you ask anything I'd answer honestly." Jeonghan answers and Joshua slowly nodded. 

"Nice to know" Joshua  says before continuing to type. 

Runaways Seventeen fanfic (Jihan, Soonhoon, Minhui, Meanie, Verkwan, Chancheol)Where stories live. Discover now