getting ready

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"S-Seungcheol" Chan faintly says as Seungcheol parted from him. They stared into each others eyes for another second before Chan grabbed the back of Seungcheol's head and brought him down, starting to make out with him and pushing his tongue inside of Seungcheol's mouth. 

Seungcheol gladly accepted what Chan was doing and kissed him back, bringing his hand down and running it down Chan's stomach. 

After Chan felt Seungcheol's hand run down his stomach and tug on his jeans, he parted from their kiss while panting, asking "I-I thought there was suppose to be no sex in the house?" 

Seungcheol looked back into Chan's eyes before answering "It's my house, I can do what I want" before kissing Chan again. 

Soonyoung and Jihoon were in their bedroom, deciding what they wanted to wear for the dance. Soonyoung originally wasn't going to go, but Jihoon said it would be fun for them both to go together. 

"What do you think, should I wear this one, or this one." Jihoon says, holding up two shirts in front of him. One was a dark blue and one was a dark red. 

Soonyoung took a quick glance at them before pointing with his head, saying "that one" referring to the dark blue one. 

Jihoon looked down at the dark blue shirt before throwing it onto his bed and sighing loudly for Soonyoung to notice. "Ever since you came back you've been acting weird. If you really don't want to go to the dance you can just tell me, you know that right? I don't want to pressure you into going if you don't want to go." Jihoon says, now walking up to Soonyoung and sitting down beside him on his bed. 

"No I want to go, I just...can't find anything to wear" Soonyoung lies in a smile.

"I, I'll find something for you" Jihoon says, quickly standing up before going to their closet again and looking through Soonyoung's clothing. "You really do like hand-me-downs don't you?" Jihoon points out, looking at a couple of Soonyoung's shirts with a disgusted expression on his face. 

"Well I'm sorry I don't like fancy things like you...speaking of fancy things, does you going to your parents house on Saturday have anything to do with the dude who kept following us around in a car with those weird sunglasses on?" Soonyoung questions, looking at Jihoon confused. 

Jihoon looked like he froze in place when Soonyoung asked that question and hesitantly says "well if you come with me on Saturday then you'll see, jeez you're impatient to know things." Jihoon says with a chuckle, putting Soonyoung's shirt he was holding back inside the closet before looking at the others. 

Minghao was extremely excited to go to the dance and was smiling the whole time he was getting ready inside his bedroom. "This is going to be so much fun Jun, we can actually enjoy ourselves this time without worrying about Minseo trying to stop us...or whatever his name was." Minghao says in a smile while taking off his shirt to get changed. 

Jun glanced back at the cheerful Minghao but saw bruises on Minghao's back. "Minghao..." Jun starts off with saying, in a serious tone of voice.

"Mhm?" Minghao hums, still in the same cheerful tone. 

"Why are there bruises on your back?" 

Minghao stopped what he was doing and looked down at the shirt he was about to put on that was already in his hands. Before he came back to reality, he put the shirt on and cleared his throat, saying "it's no big deal Jun, let's just try having a good night tonight, okay?" 

Jun was getting angry. He threw down what he had in his hands and pushed Minghao back a bit in fury. Minghao sat on his bed because Jun pushed him down and looked up at Jun a bit intimidated. "Is there something wrong with me?!" Jun questions in anger, looking at Minghao with wide eyes. 

Minghao's facial expression quickly turned into confusion while saying a small "huh?" 

"You're not telling me anything...I tell you about me, I tell you about my past, but you tell me nothing about yourself. I can't wait for after the dance, or even a month from now. I want to know." Jun says in anger, he felt like he was about to pop and go off even more, but was holding himself back. 

Minghao had tears forming in his eyes before he stood up and says "just because you're comfortable with telling me things, doesn't mean I'm comfortable with telling you things!" 

"So you're saying I trust you, but you don't trust me?!" Jun fires back, looking at Minghao now a little offended. 

Minghao stared at Jun with tears more visible in his eyes now. He looked down while blinking, letting a tear rush down his cheek before he turned around while grabbing his teddy bear which was on his bed and running out of their bedroom. 

While Minghao was running out of his bedroom, Hansol was coming out of his own. They both bumped into each other and Hansol looked down at Minghao confused, seeing the tears rushing down Minghao's cheeks. "Minghao, you okay?" Hansol questions, looking at Minghao concerned. 

Minghao didn't say anything, he quickly looked down while pushing himself away from Hansol and running away to go downstairs. 

"Minghao!" Jun exclaims, opening the door to their bedroom and looking both ways to see where Minghao went. He saw Hansol on one side and asks "w-where did Minghao go?" 

Hansol stared at Jun for a second before turning around and going back into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. 

"Ugh, this is why I hate all of you" Jun mutters to himself, going back into his bedroom to grab his jacket before running downstairs. 

Meanwhile in Joshua and Jeonghan's room, Jeonghan was in the room alone, sitting on his bed while reading the same book he's been reading for weeks. 

Joshua walked into the room after a bit. His hair looked ruffled, his eyes looked pink and puffy, he also looked more paler than usual. Jeonghan wanted to question if something was wrong, but he kept saying deep down inside that he shouldn't care. 

He turned his body away when Joshua entered the bedroom and continued to look down into his book like Joshua wasn't even in the room. 

Joshua noticed Jeonghan wasn't getting ready and asks "you're not going to the dance?"

Jeonghan didn't reply to him and Joshua sat down on the edge of his own bed to give his legs a rest. "You know you can talk to me, right?" Joshua says, still looking at Jeonghan, but Jeonghan continued to stay silent.

Joshua sighed hearing Jeonghan say nothing and laid down onto his bed "fine, I know you're angry at me..." Joshua says before going underneath his own covers and trying to hold in the tears he wanted to let run down his cheeks. 

Runaways Seventeen fanfic (Jihan, Soonhoon, Minhui, Meanie, Verkwan, Chancheol)Where stories live. Discover now