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"You were acting like you couldn't drink at all in the beginning but look at you now, you drank almost more then all of us combined~" Beomseok says in a tipsy tone, starting to wobble a bit. 

Sengcheol nodded meaning he was right, he was a bit tipsy as well but still wanted to drink more. "Man I think you've had enough, soon enough you won't be able to stand properly." One of the fathers say, patting Seungcheol on the back. 

"Leave him be man, he has twelve children he probably needs to relieve some stress" another father says, pushing the other father. 

Seungcheol waved his hand a bit meaning he was alright and says a faint "i-it's alright, I'm f-f-fine." 

"You don't sound so fine, want us to drive you home?" Beomseok asks, looking at Seungcheol in a smile and Seungcheol nodded meaning okay. 

"W-What about my car?" 

"Don't worry about it, we'll drive it" another man says and Seungcheol nodded meaning okay, throwing one of the fathers the key to his car.

As the men drove Seungcheol home Seungcheol past out on the way home. They parked his car in the driveway and carried him up to the door. The two men were knocking on the front door, waiting for one of his kids to open it. 

Joshua answered the door and was a bit surprised to see Seuncheol being carried in by two other men. "W-What happened to him?" Joshua asks in a stutter, worried about Seungcheol. 

"Your dad drank a bit too much, just take care of him, will you?" One of the men ask and Joshua nodded meaning okay. 

Jeonghan came down the stairs to see what was happening and asks "what's going on?" 

"Are you Seungcheol's daughter?" One of the men ask, looking at Jeonghan a bit surprised with how pretty he was. 

"No, I'm his son" Jeonghan says, looking at the man for a split second before turning his head to Seungcheol to see if he was okay.

"You're his son?!" The man repeats, a bit shocked. 

Jeonghan nodded meaning yes and Mingyu then came out of his room as well. 

"Is Seunghceol home yet?" Mingyu calls out but as soon as he saw the two older men, he coughed while saying "I-I mean is dad home?" 

"Does he have all sons?!" One out of the two men ask, looking at the three boys standing before him. 

"We're all sons, he didn't have any daughters" Joshua answers. 

"Well that's a blessing and a curse all in one" the fairly larger man from before says, holding his stomach while laughing a bit. 

"Well come on Songhun, we have to leave now" the fairly larger man says, patting Songhun on the back but Songhun staid quiet, still looking at Jeonghan who was seeing if Seungcheol was okay. 

"U-Um you know, I think I'll stay a bit longer to make sure the kids aren't unsupervised. It's not safe to leave kids alone when their father is drunk." Songhun explains and the larger man nodded meaning okay. 

As Songhun sat down on the other couch in the room, he couldn't stop staring at Jeonghan but Jeonghan didn't seem to notice the man staring. 

"Why're you still here mister?" Mingyu asks, looking at the man a bit confused. 

The man got out of thought while shaking his head, explaining "well I can't leave kids alone unsupervised when their father is drunk so I guess I'll stay here tonight to watch over you kids." 

Mingyu, Joshua and Jeonghan all hesitantly looked at each other and didn't know what to say. 

"Call your brothers down, they should get to know me as well." Songhun says and Joshua nodded, heading upstairs to get everyone. 

Runaways Seventeen fanfic (Jihan, Soonhoon, Minhui, Meanie, Verkwan, Chancheol)Where stories live. Discover now