Found him

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"D-Don't talk to me Seungcheol, I don't want to talk about it!" Chan exclaims with tears still rushing down his face, turning around and running into the washroom to take a shower.

As Chan got into the washroom, he locked the door behind him and started taking off his clothes. As he took off everything, he saw the horrible words written on himself, not to mention he remembered what the other kids had said about his private area.

Meanwhile in Jihoon and Soonyoung's room, Jihoon was finished getting changed and was looking into the camera on his phone, trying to fix his hair.

"S-So when're you going to that singing competition down town... like when are you leaving?" Soonyoung asks, glancing up at Jihoon who was still looking into his phone.

"In a little bit, if I leave in about five minutes, I guess I'll make it there on time" Jihoon says, still focusing on himself.

"Well I hope you win whatever the prize may be..."

"What, you want to come with me?" Jihoon asks, now looking at Soonyoung.

"Y-You really don't mind me coming with you? It's just that I've never been anywhere like that before...are you sure you want to invite me?" Soonyoung asks.

"Yeah sure I don't mind. Since you've never been down town before I can show you around and everything after it's all done" Jihoon explains.

"O-Oh, well okay I'll get changed then!" Soonyoung says in a smile, getting up and heading to the closet where he was searching through his clothes to get ready.

In Joshua and Jeonghan's room, they heard Chan yelling at Seungcheol and Joshua sighed. "Why's Chan such a baby?"

"I don't my opinion I don't see why Seungcheol's letting him stay here. I know we're all staying here because we're all in the same position but Chan's always being so disrespectful. Sometimes I think we should just kick him out or something..." Joenghan answers in a groan.

"Hey, Jeonghan what happened just know I heard a slapping sound and that's why I came rushing out to see what happened. I heard you and Hansol fighting...did Hansol hit you?" Joshua asks, now getting a bit angry.

Jeonghan looked down and didn't know what to say for a couple of minutes. "Jeonghan, you can tell me the know that, right?" Joshua asks and Jeonghan nodded meaning he knew.

"Okay fine, I admit Hansol hit me..."

"I swear that guy doesn't know how to contain his anger!" Joshua says, getting angry himself while standing. "Where is he, where did he go?" Joshua asks, now starting to head to his bedroom door.

Jeonghan grabbed a hold of Joshua's wrist before Joshua could leave the bedroom and pleads "please don't Joshua, I know he didn't mean anything by it. We all already know how Hansol is, how he acts before he thinks." Jeonghan says in a serious tone.

Joshua groaned loudly and looked to a side. "I know...but where did he go?" Joshua asks, a bit curious.

"He heard that you and I were going to go out and find Seungkwan but he got concerned and said he'd find him, himself."

"Is he crazy or something, is he not worried that he just go stabbed?!" Joshua asks in a surprised tone.

"I know...I told him he couldn't go out and he should stay home to rest but he didn't listen to me. I'm guessing he's trying to find Seungkwan right now." Jeonghan answers in a low tone.

"Well we have to go and find him, next thing you know his wound re-opens and he starts bleeding again." Joshua asks in a worried tone, now grabbing his sweater from the closet to head out.

Runaways Seventeen fanfic (Jihan, Soonhoon, Minhui, Meanie, Verkwan, Chancheol)Where stories live. Discover now