house party

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Minhyuk pulled Seokmin into his bedroom once they got to his house and closed the door behind them both, locking it. "Do you really have to go to this extent Seokmin?! We make you leave the group and you're doing this to yourself?!" Minhyuk asks in anger, looking at Seokmin seriously. 

"You don't understand Minhyuk" Seokmin says, looking down at the floor so he didn't have to face Minhyuk yelling at him. 

"Then what's the reason for you doing this to yourself?" Minhyuk asks in a questioning tone, you could tell he was still angry. 

"You don't need to know, I'm not even your friend anymore so I don't understand why you're still caring about me!" Seokmin says in a serious tone, holding in tears. 

"Just because we're not friends anymore doesn't mean I don't care." 

"Yes it does! You left me because I disappoint you. When you see I hurt myself now you care again all of the sudden? You're so fake Minhyuk" Seokmin explains in an annoyed tone, still holding tears in. 

"Seokmin, I'm not a fake friend" Minhyuk says seriously. 

"If you think you're not a fake friend then think about how you've been towards me for these past couple of days. Then talk to me." Seokmin says in sadness, leaving Minhyuk's room and then leaving his house.

Meanwhile with Seungcheol he got to the party with the booming music and the people dancing. "You can go in first Seungcheol, I'm going to talk to someone for a second" the friend Seungcheol had walked to the party with said, going to a group who were just now approaching the house as well. 

Seungcheol watched his friend walk away for a second before turning to face the house again, walking into the house. 

The only thing Seungcheol could hear entering the house was the booming music and the voices trying to be heard over the music. He made his way to the huge living room where mostly everyone was dancing. There were drinks and food everywhere which were scattered about. 

Seungcheol was standing to aside, watching the people dancing for a while before someone held onto Seungcheol's shoulder. Seungcheol looked at the person who had grabbed a hold of his shoulder and had a surprised, shocked expression on his face. The boy who had grabbed a hold of Seungcheol's shoulder use to be a classmate of Seungcheol's from his old school before he ran away from home. 

"Seungcheol, what's up man?" He asks in a smile, still having his hand on Seungcheol's shoulder. 

"Nothing much...what're you doing here?" Seungcheol asks, looking at the boy confused, this boy was usually the type to stay home and study rather then going out to parties and having fun. 

"I decided to take a break, I'm glad I went to this party. How have you been?" He asks in a yell, trying to overpower the music. 

"What?" Seungcheol asks, not hearing the boy properly because the music was way too loud. 

The boy could tell Seungcheol didn't understand him and pointed over his shoulder with his thumb, yelling "outside." 

Seungcheol nodded meaning he understood what the boy meant and they squirmed through the people dancing to get to the kitchen. The boy took a beer and tossed it to Seungcheol which Seungcheol caught. The boy grabbed himself one and the two of them went through the back door to go into the backyard. 

"It's so loud in there" Seungcheol chuckles, rubbing one ear with two fingers. 

"I know have you been?" He asks, opening the beer he grabbed from the kitchen. 

Seungcheol looked down at the beer can hesitant on opening it, not knowing if he should really drink it. The boy could see Seungcheol was just blankly staring down at the can of beer and chuckled. "Here, let me open it for you" he says, putting his own can of beer down and snatching Seungcheol's can out of his hand and opening it for him. 

Runaways Seventeen fanfic (Jihan, Soonhoon, Minhui, Meanie, Verkwan, Chancheol)Where stories live. Discover now