'fruit' punch

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"Mingyu, you're at a school dance?!" One girl questions, walking up to him and trying to overpower her voice over the music. 

"Yeah, I decided I want to go to a dance for once." Mingyu answers while chuckling a bit afterwards. 

Wonwoo looked at the girl and instantly recognised her. She was the girl that Mingyu had brought up to the rooftop that one time to probably make out with. He felt a twisting feeling in his chest when he saw the two of them talking and bit down on his bottom lip so he could hold himself back from saying anything. 

"You okay Wonwoo?" Mingyu asks, turning his head to face Wonwoo after the girl had left from talking to him.

Wonwoo came back to reality when he faintly heard Mingyu's voice from over the booming music. "Huh, yeah everything is okay with me...I think I'm going to get some punch, you want some?" 

"Sure, I'll be waiting here." Mingyu answers in a smile. Wonwoo couldn't hear Mingyu's voice, but he could read from his lips that he had said yes. 

Wonwoo walked to the table where a bunch of beverages were on. He took two red cups and poured some punch inside the both of them. "You really going to drink that?" A girl asks, walking up behind Wonwoo which faintly startled him. He turned around to see it was a girl from his class that he's never really talked to before. But yet again, Wonwoo never talks to anyone in general except for Mingyu. 

"Uh yeah, why?" 

"I saw some guys poor alcohol into the punch a while ago. If you're not a drinker I wouldn't recommend you drink any of that." The girl warns, smiling at Wonwoo as she talked to him. 

"Thanks..." Wonwoo says, slowly throwing both cups into the garbage and turning around from the table to fully face the girl. 

"So what're you doing here, I wouldn't expect you to be someone to go to a dance...no offence." She asks with a faint smile on her face. 

"It's none of your business." 

"No need to be so mean with your response...I see you came with Mingyu, are you two close?" 

"Why do you want to know?" 

"I don't know, I just heard that you guys live in the same house. I wanted to know if you guys were brothers or roommates, because there's this huge rumour going around the school that you have a lot of brothers in different grades and that your fathers a huge player. I'm not saying I believe this, but those are the rumours going around. I just wanted to confirm if they're true from the direct source." The girl questions, now walking to the punch bowl herself and pouring herself a cup. 

"We are brothers." Wonwoo answers, watching the girl as she moved from in front of him to beside him. 

The girl slightly smirked hearing that and says "I don't think brothers should be that close then...the way he was looking at you in the hallway I mean." When the girl said that, Wonwoo's eyes opened wider and his heart started to beat fast. 

"You saw that?" He questions, sounding more scared. 

"Yeah, but don't worry I think I'm the only one who saw it. I don't discriminate against homosexual couples...if anything I'm a lesbian so I know how hard it is for us in Korea...but with your brother? You're going to have a whole lot of heads turning." The girl answers in a chuckle, sipping the alcoholic punch but looking at Wonwoo from over the tip of the cup. 

Wonwoo looked down and rubbed the back of his neck, not knowing what to say. He couldn't tell her that he and Mingyu weren't actually brothers because then she'd know that he was lying. On top of that, if he told her the truth, he'd have to tell her everything about the house and all the boys living in it. 

Runaways Seventeen fanfic (Jihan, Soonhoon, Minhui, Meanie, Verkwan, Chancheol)Where stories live. Discover now