What Are You Doing?! (JS)

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So squad was at this Halloween party and my bff (jk I hate him) Chris and I were wearing the same colored shirt or at least close to the same color.

I run up behind Maddie, and she thinks I'm Chris.

And then I grab her butt and she turns around and screams

"CHRIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" And I'm laughing so hard and she just rolls her eyes and laughs with me and then I run away to tell Chris and basically everyone else what just happened.


Maddie's dad was driving us home from the movies, and as were about to pull in onto my road, this car is coming by really slowly so I say, "I know the guy in that car, his name is Pablo and we are best friends"

And then Maddie's dad starts saying simple weird words in Spanish.

And we all busted out into laughter.



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