Chris (talking about a couple): it's like they just grow into each other.Maddie: (laughs) what?
Chris: you know, relationships are like a jenga tower. You build it all up and then it just... Breaks free.
At state for DI there's a book fair. Maddie and Jenna are going through posters and find one that says "stop kitten around" with a bunch of cats on it.
Maddie: that's something Dawson would say.
Jenna: yeah.
Maddie: should we get it for him?
Jenna: YES oh my god.
(We actually got it for him lol)
Maddie and Dawson were talking about how a symptom of diabetes is frequent urination.
Jenna: I have to pee... For the third time this hour.
Dawson: do you have diabetes?
Maddie: the plural form of pancreas is pancreases. I feel like that's wrong.
Dawson: yeah, the American language is weird.
Maddie (laughing): you mean English?
Working outside in the courtyard. Kid screeches.
Addie: what kind of bird was that? Is that a seagull?
Maddie: no it was Connor!
Ashley takes off her iPad case in choir.
Ashley: look how dusty it is! It's like, all crusty. (Puts a pice of dust on Maddie's arm)
Maddie: I accept your gift of crusty dust.
Both: crusty dust! (Both die laughing)
(Dogs barking outside)
Addie: Maddie was that your mom?
Jenna is scooting down the hallway on her butt.
Jenna: is this what midgets feel like?
In choir.
Ashley: look at Chris' hair.
Maddie: what about it?
Ashley: he's going bald.
Addie: this is my dinner. (Holding ice cream, cookies, and a nutty bar)
Maddie: wow Addie, someone's a health nut.
Dawson: (dies of laughter)
Maddie: Dawson, have you never heard that before?
Dawson: no... (Laughs) health nut.
Ashley: Maddie and Dawson sitting in a tree-
Maddie: Ashley we're on the ground.
Austin: they were literally in a tree five minutes ago. Why didn't you say that then?
Jenna is teaching Dawson the hoedown throwdown.
Dawson (doing the dance as he says it): pop it, lock it, polka dot it, countrify it... (Puts arms out) Hawk.
Baking cupcakes.
Chris: we should do a bake sale for DI because we're all good at baking-
Maddie: (is trying to put the batter into the pan but drops it between the two cupcake holes)
Chris: I take it back. You should be on worst cooks in America.