Sporting Goods (MG)

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Dawson: I finally figured out how Dick's sporting goods got its name.

Maddie: how?

Dawson: because they sell balls!

Maddie: really?


Jenna: Chris, come to subway with me.

Two seconds later, Chris comes back.

Chris: I'm back... Jenna told me to go away.


At Barnes & Noble.

Maddie: OH MY GOSH! Jenna!

Jenna: what is it?

Maddie: it's a book of poetry written by Donald Trump!


At Barnes & Noble. Maddie is taking a picture of the group playing with the Legos in the kids section.

Maddie: no, act like you're building Legos!

Jenna: girl, I am.


At Barnes & Noble.

Dawson: I love this place. They have an entire architecture section.


Jenna (to Maddie and Dawson): so, are you two secretly dating now?

Maddie and Dawson: no. 

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