See The Cupcake... Be The Cupcake (MG)

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Dawson and Maddie are in charge of the money box at a fundraiser and are entertaining themselves by folding the bills so that the faces look funny.

Dawson (folds a bill so that it's just a forehead and a chin, no face): look at this

Maddie: what if that's what faces were? Like just foreheads with chins.

(Dawson and Maddie die laughing)

Dawson: just imagine all these people as just foreheads with chins!


Dawson is giving Maddie a piggyback ride.

Maddie: Dawson, put me down! My pants are falling down!

Dawson: (laughs)

Maddie: I'm not kidding, my pants are literally falling down.


Jenna: I wanna have (holds up saxophone) sax with you.


Dawson is pressing a quarter to his forehead.

Maddie: what are you doing? Are you trying to make the imprint on your forehead or something?

Dawson: no, I'm trying to change my mind.

Maddie: oh my gosh.

Dawson: sorry, that pun didn't make cents!


Dylan and Maddie changed Dawson's phone background to a selfie of them with double chins.

Dawson: I need to go outside and take a new picture for my background.

Maddie: that picture of Dylan and I is more beautiful than any of those sunset pictures you're gonna find. Just putting that out there.


Chris, Deja, and Maddie are on the trampoline. Chris is trying to take a picture of a mosquito and yelling at it when it moves.

Maddie (to Deja): now imagine the next thing he says is while taking a picture of a person.

Chris: great! This one can't move 'cause it's dead!


At a bake sale fundraiser.

Maddie: this one cupcake is different from all the rest and its so inspirational.

Dawson: you want to make a name for yourself, and (lifts up cupcake) rise above all the others.

Maddie: (laughs)

Dawson (whispers): see the cupcake... Be the cupcake.


Jenna facetimed Maddie at night.

Jenna: we're playing Dora candy land and we wanted you to be a part of this experience.


Dawson is laying on the grass taking a picture of the sky.

Maddie: are you taking a selfie?

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