Best of Austin (EVERYONE)

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Austin: is there a wikihow to make your girlfriend not mad at you?


Austin: and so if you find random Chapstick in your house, don't use it.

Maddie: I wasn't going to but okay.



Austin: I'm just gonna walk home

Ashley: no, you need to get a ride.

Maddie: yeah, my mom can drive you.

(Austin gets a ride with Maddie's mom, they get stuck in a ditch for almost 40 minutes)

Austin: hashtag party!


Jenna: whats lube?

Austin: Its like sexual butter.


Jenna: Hey Austin remember those polar bears at the zoo? Bubba and Berlin?

Austin: oh yeah I remember and then Berlin ate a camera and died


Austin: you know Kelby, they invented cereal so people would stop masturbating.

Kelby: no they didn't.

*everyone else joins in*

Jenna and Azrael: actually, yes they did.


Excerpt from lunchtime stories.

Austin: so Addie was Jewish, and she made a beard with her hair and said something in Jewish like safsrwrrq


Another excerpt from lunchtime stories.

Austin: so then Maddie whispered a pun, and it turned Dawson on so much he took his clothes off.

(Horrified looks from Maddie and Dawson, everyone else is dying of laughter)


Dawson: I have a tattoo of an Irish flag on my-

Austin: Irish?

Dawson: yup.

Austin: Maddie wants his shamrock shake!

Maddie: NO!


*Devon and Austin are yelling at each other across the cafeteria*

Devon: Austin, your girlfriend hates you!

Austin: which girlfriend? You mean the one that left you for me?

Entire lunch table: oohhhh



Choir teacher is talking about our fruit fundraiser.

Teacher: I'd buy fruit from you guys, but no ones even asked.

Austin yells across the room: wanna buy some fruit?

*whole class laughs*

Teacher: Yes I'll buy some fruit from you Austin

Austin: And can you get me another form? I lost mine.

*whole class laughs again, Teacher dies*


Chris: We're man sopranos


Choir teacher (laughs): sopmanos.


Sydney: Austin, I'm deleting your selfie off my Instagram

Austin: why?

Sydney: because people are saying relationship goals.

Austin: okay, just let me save it first. I look really good in that picture.


Playing imaginiff.

Imagine if we all were in a fire and could only save one item. Who would save a hairdryer?

Everyone: Austin.

Austin: I actually would.

Chris: yeah he always has to check his hair in his iPad camera.


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