So as you may know, a bunch of us are on a destination imagination team together and we recently got back from Globals. Here are some funny things that were said on the trip.
Okay I started this a while ago but just now finished it. Whoops.
Adults are talking about what coaches are going on the trip.
Coach: (so and so) is going, (so and so), Bill-
Michaela (looks up from phone): grandpa?
Dawson is lying across Maddie, Michaela, and a few seats.
Maddie: if the instant challenge was to find Dawson a comfortable sleeping position, we're gonna win this whole competition.
Deep talks on the bus at 3 AM.
Dawson: it's so weird how girls are treated as less smart than men.
Maddie: yeah I know. Wisdom doesn't come from your balls.
Dawson: (dies laughing) I think that's the funniest thing you've ever said.
Lady with a New Hampshire shirt body slams Jenna as she tries to walk past.
Jenna: that was rude.
Maddie: Minnesota nice, New Hampshire rude!
Maddie and Dawson are sharing a carton of cookies and cream ice cream.
Maddie: I call all the cookies and you can have the cream part. Haha, that sounds like a cute friendship quote or something. Like I'm the cookies to your cream.
Jenna: guys I made the alarm sound "strum" so we'll wake up to peaceful guitar- (trips)
Chris and Dylan are on a space simulator thing.
Dylan(in his high voice): can I get a hoy-yah?
Chris(in his high voice): HOY-YAH
Dawson and Maddie are sharing a carton of ice cream.
Dawson: (coughs) Ebola.
Maddie: if you have Ebola, you stay out of my cookies and cream.
Chris and Dylan (singing towards Dawson): CAAAAN YOU FEEEEEL THE LOOOVE TONIGHT
In a convenience store, buying Reese's minis. Jenna and Maddie are each holding four packages.
Maddie: we have enough to share with the whole team.
Jenna: no! I want these all to myself!
Jenna and Maddie (look down at all the peanut butter cups): (die laughing)
On the bus, around 4 AM.
Dawson: yeah they made business by selling barrels of potatoes.
Maddie: (laughs)
Dawson: (laughs)
Maddie: why does "barrel of potatoes" sound so funny
Jenna and Chris trying to sleep on the bus.
Jenna: Chris the arm rest hurts my ankle! You have to make sacrifices for me!
At the pool.
Maddie: Dawson, can I have a hug?
Dawson: yeah (hugs Maddie)
Maddie: (pushes him in the pool)
Maddie: eww Chris, what are those?
Chris: they're butter spindles. They're really good.
Maddie: (tries one) that's disgusting!
Michaela: hey guys, we have Nutella.
Chris: I wanna try dipping these in it.
Michaela took a picture of Dawson next to a fountain.
Michaela: HE'S SO TUMBLR
Michaela: Maddie, is that your chocolate milk that's been sitting here for three days?
Maddie: no I thought it was yours so I left it alone.
(To this day we have no idea where it came from hahaha)