Chapter 17 - Riddle Me This

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Hey guys sorry its so late, but its here now so please enjoy and don't be afraid to share your comments, I always enjoy reading them.


Our heroes are still on the ferry heading towards Pacifidlog Town for Nikita's Contest and along with her loyal Pokémon and her amazing friend Tomas, but what our heroes don't know it that they are about to be thrown into a maze of riddles, battles and brand new friends for the rest of their journey on the ferry.


"Hey Nikki can you pass me the Ketchup" asked Tom as we sat in the restaurant for our breakfast, alongside our Pokémon, as Tom stuffed his face with scrambled egg.

"Yeah sure. Here you go" I replied as I handed him the bottle with the red goo.

"What's on your mind Nikki? You seem kind of out of it" mentioned Tom, seemingly forgetting about his breakfast.

"I'm........hmmm I'm just thinking Tom"

"About what?"

"Oh just everything" I replied while staring out at the vast ocean as we sail over it.

"You can't be thinking of everything Nikki. I mean come on your brain would explode" Tom joked as he played with his eggs.

"You know what I mean Tom" I told as I sighed and looked back to my plate. "I was thinking about everything that has happened since we started our journey."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. I was thinking about the first time that I met you, Roselia, Beautifly, Eevee, Skitty and Seviper. I was thinking about all of the Contests that we've taken part in now and all the experience I have gained through those few Contests, but even then I'm still classed as a rookie Co-ordinator and I'm okay with that. I was thinking about all of your Gym Battles and what knowledge I have gained from just watching you battle. I was thinking about how my relationship with my mum has been developing throughout my journey, but most importantly I have been thinking about Treeko" I told him. "Hey Tomas have I ever told you about the time that I met Treeko".

"Yeah sure you have" he replied with a mouth full of eggs. "You met him the day that you went a picked out your first Pokémon."

"Actually that wasn't the first time that I met Treeko." I confessed to Tomas as I directed my gaze towards Treeko who was sitting calmly among the rest of our Pokémon as he ate his Pokémon food.

"It wasn't, then when did you meet Treeko?" demanded Tomas as he pushed away his food in order to pay better attention to me.

"Well Tom it all began five years ago............."

Flashback 5 Years ago (Age 5)

I was out walking in the forest on the outskirts of Littleroot Town without a care in the world when all of a sudden I was knocked down to the ground by some unknown force.

"Ouch" I yelled as I looked down to my knees and saw them all scraped and bloody and then I felt the tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. I was too busy crying over my torn up knee to notice another presence right beside me.

"Tree, Treeko?"

"Huh" I whimpered as I looked to my right and through my glassy eyes I saw a green lizard like creature.

"Treeko" It said and then it ran off leaving me all alone in this crowded forest with night drawing ever closer.

"Is anyone there" I cried out in my weak five year old voice.

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