Maggie's Profile

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Full Name; Maggie Leona Tyson

Birth Date; 5th May

Hometown; Vandanturf Town

Region; Hoenn

Trainer Class; Coordinator

Family; James Tyson – Husband – Business Man – No Children

Looks; Short Blond Hair, Light Blue Eyes, Around 5 ft 10 in Height.

Personality; Sweet and caring towards other people especially towards Pokémon Trainers and Coordinators that are just starting out on their journey.

Pokémon; Swellow – Main Pokémon – Caught as a Taillow in Hoenn – A Boy.

                   Known moves are – Quick Attack, Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Double Team, Agility and Giga Impact.

                   Pelipper – Caught as a Wingull in Hoenn – A Girl.

                   Known moves are – Hydro Pump, Brine, Steel Wing, Water Pulse, Aerial Ace and Ice Beam.

                   Zangoose – Caught in Hoenn – A Boy.

                   Known moves are – X-Scissor, Slash, Dig, Shadow Ball and Aerial Ace.

                   Staraptor – Caught as a Starly in Sinnoh – A Boy.

                   Known moves are – Aerial Ace, Take Down, Agility, Brave Bird, Close Combat and Double Team.

                   Chatot – Caught in Sinnoh – A Boy.

                   Known moves are – Hyper Voice, Mimic, Sing, Aerial Ace and Attract.

                   Pidgeot – Caught as a Pidgey in Kanto – A Boy.

                   Known moves are – Quick Attack, Twister, Air Slash, Mirror Move and Aerial Ace.

                   Fearow – Caught as a Spearow in Kanto – A Girl.

                   Known moves are – Drill Peck, Drill Run, Aerial Ace, Agility and Double Team.

                   Noctowl – Caught as a Hoothoot in Johto – A Boy.

                   Known moves are – Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Air Slash, Confusion, Take Down and Aerial Ace.

Prefers Flying Type Pokémon and all her Pokémon no Aerial Ace.

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