Chapter 5 - Sparkle Time

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The people of Rustboro City were rushing around the streets.  Pokémon Coordinators were just waking up.  Young children were filled with excitement not able to wait.  Wild Pokémon were just waking up top; going out and looking for food, tending to their young and some taking to the skies.  Everyone was preparing for the first Contest of the year that was to take place in Rustoboro City today.

The sun rose through the curtains, glancing over everything it touched.  It reached my eyes eventually and the heat it created woke me immediately.  I opened my eyes and saw Treeko looking directly at me, waiting for me to rise and get ready for the day ahead and Budew was at the window warming herself with the rays of the morning sun, readying herself for her first participation in a Pokémon Contest like myself.

I got up sluggishly and slowly made my way over to the bathroom.  I looked in the mirror and saw my hair sticking out of my plait like barbed wire and my eyes held no sparkle and gleam like they usually did.  I still half asleep.  I took my hair out of the now messy plait and carefully untangled it, letting it fall and tumble down in layers, down my back.  I got out of my pyjamas, switched on the shower and stepped in.

I took a quick ten minute shower and then I stepped back out and tried myself off and put on a dressing gown and then I began on my hair.  I wasn’t going to do anything special with it.  I wanted to have a nice natural look for my first appearance on the stage in front of a audience.  I wanted them to remember me as just being me and nothing else.  Just before I began Treeko and Budew came into the bathroom and clambered up onto a shelf to watch me get ready.

“You guys want to watch me get ready?” I asked them while smiling at them.

“Treeko just nodded his head not showing much emotion per usual and Budew jumped up and down and went “Bud, Bud Budew Bud”.

“Okay” I spoke while looking in the mirror and picking up a hairdryer.

I dried my hair which only took me between 15 – 20 minutes.  I did nothing to it once it was dry and I just left it in natural curls, cascading like a waterfall down my back.   I then left the bathroom with Budew and Treeko hot on my heels following me to my bag on the armchair where I placed it last night before going to sleep.  I looked through my bag and pulled out my dark midnight blue dress that went to my knees, held up with small spaghetti straps, then I pulled out my matching pumps and then I brought out my white dress cardigan to complete the simple, but elegant outfit.  I changed into the outfit taking care not to mess up my hair and crease my dress in the process.

Once I was ready I checked myself over once and then I turned to Budew and Treeko and said “Right are you guys ready to do this”.  They both looked at me completely serious and nodded in unison.

“Okay well it’s time to leave, so both of you’s back into your Pokeballs” and with that they were called back to their separate Pokeballs.

I made sure everything was in my bag and then I picked it up, walked out of the door, took the key back down to Nurse Joy and made my way to the Rustboro City Contest Hall.

When I arrived at the contest hall the audience where beginning to take their seats and people were registering, so I went and stood in line so I could register.......

I didn’t need to wait long until it was my turn;

“Hello and how may I help you?”

“Hi I would like to register for today’s Pokémon Contest” I said.

“Very well could I get you Contest Pass?”

“Oh I need to get one” I replied.

“Okay one moment please” she replied  “Okay here is your Contest Pass, along with your Ribbon Case to keep the Ribbons that you win in and also I have registered you in today’s contest, so good luck”.

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