Alisha's Profile

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Name: Alisha Franklin

Age: 12

Birth Date: 21st February

Home Town: Vermillion City

Region: Kanto

Trainer Class: Coordinate

Family: Father – Rickie – Business Man, Mother – Rachel – Stay at home mum, Little Brother – Michael.

Looks: Short and Spiky Black hair, with dark brown hair that look black.  Medium height.  Wears a Green dress.

Personality: Is quite selfish and only really cares about herself.  Has hard training techniques and is very hard on her Pokémon.

Pokémon: Nidoking – Starter Pokémon, given to her as a Nidoran – Is a Boy – Known moves are – Double Kick, Chip Away, Poison Sting and Earth Power.

                   Spinda – First Pokémon caught in Hoenn – Is a Boy – Known moves are – Attract, Double-Edge, Dizzy Punch and Tackle.

                   Spinda – Second Pokémon caught in Hoenn – Is a Girl – Known moves are – Dizzy Punch, Psybeam and Double Team.

                   Dustox – Third Pokémon caught in Hoenn – Is a boy – Known moves are – Gust, Protect, Bug Buzz and Psybeam.

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