Chapter 11 - All For Skitty and Skitty For All

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Our heroes were on their way to Nikita's next Contest and Tomas's next Gym Battle in Mauville Town, but they had currently stopped for a break, where Nikita was practicing with Treeko for their new contest combination, while Tomas looked on with the rest of her Pokémon; Roselia, Beautifly and Eevee.


"Treeko shot some seeds into the air with Bullet Seed" I ordered him.

"Treeko!" and he complied immediately and shot some gold coloured seeds into the air and eventually they began to free fall down towards the ground.

"Now Treeko catch the seeds before they hit the ground and juggle them." I told him and immediately he set off with his impressive speed and agile nature, collected all of the seeds and he began to juggle them in different ways. First clockwise, then anti-clockwise and then he did a handstand and juggled them with his feet. "Great Treeko now kick the seeds into the air and use Pound on them." I ordered him and he jumped into the air and smacked the seeds with his tail and created individual golden firework displays.

"Great Treeko! That was just amazing" I commented him.

"Treeko, Tree, Tree." He replied and crossed his arms, put a smirk on his face and jumped up and made himself comfy on my shoulder.

"That was great guys." Congratulated Tom, along with the rest of my Pokémon.

"Thanks guys." I said as Treeko blushed a bit.

"Wells that's you got your combination down, but what about Treeko's battling experience." Questioned Tomas.

"Umm well" I spoke unsure of what to say.

"Well why don't we have a double battle using your Pokémon then, seeing as we have them all out." Asked Tom with a great, bug grin on his face.

"Okay." I agreed with all my Pokémon nodding along. "I'll battle with Treeko and Eevee while you battle with Beautifly and Roselia."

"Sounds good."

"Great now let's get ready." I announced.

"Okay we won't don this until your Pokémon are KO'd." yelled Tomas, from the other side of the battle field, with Roselia and Beautifly in front of him, posed and ready to fight.

"Okay Tom, you can have the first move." I replied as Treeko and Eevee stood ready to begin.

"Okay. Roselia use Magical Leaf and Beautifly use Poison String." He ordered them and Roselia released multiple glowing crescents from one of her hands towards Eevee and Treeko and Beautifly released purple darts at them too.

"Quickly Treeko use Bullet Seed to counter the Poison Sting and Eevee use Trump Card to counter the Magical Leaf." I told them and Treeko immediately released golden seeds from his mouth at the Poison Sting and around Eevee formed six red, glowing plates of energy and shot them at the Magical Leaf. When they all met, small cloud of smoke formed, but Eevee's Trump Card was stronger and when straight through and continued on to hit Roselia and Beautifly.

"Quickly Treeko, Eevee use a double Quick Attack." And they both set off at a great speed and hit Roselia and Beautifly head on.

"Wow that's quite a bit of power that you guys have." I told them.

"Eve, Eevee."


"Hey Nikita did you hear that." Yelled Tom.

"Hear what?" I yelled back to him, but then I heard it.


And then all of a sudden a red feline Pokémon with a stumpy body, short legs, a large head and slender tail with a bulky red section at the end, terminated by three pin-like shapes, a cream-colored face, crescent-shaped markings, slit-like eyes and tufted ears with purple interiors appeared out of some bushes, tired and hurt and being followed by two very familiar people that I had hoped that I would never have to lay eyes on again.

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