Chapter 19 - Perseverance is the Key to Success

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The Wingull's soared overhead in the crystal-clear sky. The waves crashed against the sides of the boat, causing it to rock side to side. That made the journey rather uncomfortable for some people, but it was absolutely miserable for one familiar person in particular.


"Nikita" moaned Tom from the ground beside me. "I don't feel so good".

"It's just motion sickness Tom". I replied while continuing to look out onto the passing ocean with Treecko on my shoulder. Neither of us paying much attention to Tom seeing as we had been putting up with him for the last few hours. "You'll live, don't worry."

"Treecko, Tree" nodded Treecko in agreement with my words.

"I'm just glad we're not the ones with the latent motion sickness" I joked with Treecko.

"Tree, Tree" he giggled back.

"I don't think my stomach wants to be inside me anymore" whined Tom again as he began to look greener in the face.

"Relax Tom we'll be docking at Slateport City soon enough" I replied, trying to reassure him and just as I was about to say more the familiar sound of a Pokéball opening interrupted me, but this time it wasn't one of mine.

"Corphish" we heard and there was the familiar ruffian Pokémon that belonged to Tom jumping around in joy.

"Oh, Corphish please not now I don't really want to have to deal with this right now" groaned Tom as he pulled himself up with the help of the ships railing and hung his head over the side of the ship.

"Aww come on Tom. I think its cute" I giggled as Corphish continued to jump around in his own little world. "I think he's trying to cheer you up and look there's Slateport City now."

"Thank god" groaned Tom as the familiar city came into view. "I can finally get off this death trap".

"I bit dramatic don't you think?"

"Shut up, you have no idea how I feel" argued Tom.

"Corphish, Cor".

"See Corphish agrees with me"

"Sure, he does" I said while Treecko and I looked at the crab Pokémon still jumping around without a care in the world. "He's completely paying attention".



"Finally, I'm free" yelled Tom in joy as he embraced the land and by land, I mean the pavement next to the ship with hundreds of people staring at him and his display all while Corphish was still doing his little dance right next to him.

"Hey Tom, can you save your outburst for when we aren't surrounded by hundreds of people" I partially whispered, yelled in his ear as Treecko tried to drag Corphish out of the way.

"I don't care" replied Tom, happily. "I'm just glad to be back on dry land".

"Corphish, Cor, Cor, Corphish" said Corphish as he continued to dance away, completely ignoring Treecko's attempt to get him to move.

"Oh, come on let's get out of here already" I told him. "We need to get to the Pokémon Centre".

"Yeah" he replied and got up off the floor while picking up the dancing Corphish. "Okay let's go".

"Finally," I cheered. "Come on Treecko let's get out of here" and up climbed an exhausted Treecko, from all the pulling, up onto my right shoulder.

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