Chapter 9 - The 2nd Gym Battle And A Tremendous Discovery

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The sun shone over Dewford Island.  Adults watched their children frolic in the sea, surrounding the island and the wild flying Pokémon scoured the skies searching for food.  However elsewhere Nikita and Tomas had made their way to the Dewford Island and had found the Gym and Tomas was psyched for his up and coming gym battle against the Dewford Island Gym leader.


"So this is it.  This is the Dewford Island Gym" I asked Tomas.


"Okay and what type of Pokémon does the gym leader use here?"

"Honestly I have no idea Nikki" he replied.

"So you're basically winging it" I said.

"Uh huh."

"Well we'd better go and find out" I told him, and I knocked on the door, and immediately after I knocked on the door, it slammed open and revealed a boy around the age of 15.

"Hello, can I help you?" he asked us.

"Hi, well you see my friend here, is here for a gym battle" I answered with a smile on my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but the gym leader is not here at the moment" he replied.

"What!" yelled Tomas?

 "Tomas!" I scolded him      

"Sorry" he huffed.

"What my friend meant was could you please tell us where the gym leader is" i asked the boy politely while still slightly glaring at Tomas.

"Yeah sure, Brawley should be down at the east side of the beach training his Pokémon" he answered while pointing out the way for us.

"Thank you" I told him.

"Yeah, thank you" replied Tomas and together we went to the east side of the beach.

When we got to the beach it was packed.  Adults were lying sunbathing, children were running around and playing in the sand and surfers were waiting for the next big wave in the ocean on their surf boards.

"Okay Nikki I'm going to go and find Brawley" and with that he ran off, kicking up sand behind him as he ran.

"Okay well I guess it's time to train, so Budew, it's time to sparkle" and out she came ready to work.

"Bud, Bud, Budew."

"Right Budew it's time to train for the up and coming contest being held at Slateport City, but luckily I have an idea that may just work.  So are you ready to try?" I said.

"Budew" she replied while jumping up and down.

"Great Budew" I said.  "So first Budew use Sunny Day."  And immediately she shot a beam of bright light into the sky that made the sun considerably brighter, which caught people's attention gaining Budew and I some unnoticed attention among our unknown growing audience.

"Excellent, now Budew I want you to spin and use SolarBeam" I ordered her and she complied immediately and shot a SolarBeam into the air, but because she was also spinning it went into the shape of a green spiralling tornado, narrow at the bottom, but wide at the top and once she stopped using SolarBeam and spinning, the tornado kept spinning, attracting more unnoticed attention towards us.

"Brilliant now Budew I want you to spin in the opposite direction and use Absorb" I told her and she immediately began to spin in the opposite direction and released two red beams from her bud, and they went on either side of the tornado, and the switched the way in which the tornado was originally spinning and began to take out the green colour of the tornado and it also began to break it up until all that was left was a clear glittery fog above us.

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