Chapter 10 - My 2nd Contest and A New Rival

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It had been about a week and half since Tomas's Gym Battle against Brawley and his Machop and Makuhita and since then everyone has gotten stronger.  Tomas's Munchlax has learnt Body Slam, his Zigzagoon has learnt Pin Missile and his Corphish has also gotten a lot stronger, but has not learnt any new moves.

Nikita's Pokémon have also gotten both faster and stronger.  Her Treeko has learnt his first Grass Type, Bullet Seed.  Beautifly has learnt Stun Spore and the much approve healing move Morning Sun and Eevee, Nikita has found that Treeko is no longer the only boy among her four Pokémon now, with Eevee being a boy.  Eevee has warmed to everyone in there group, both Tomas and Pokémon and has also learnt the moves; Take Down and Trump Card. 

Budew and Nikita have been working hard on their combination for the Slateport City Contest and now it is time for them to perform their combination on the stage in front of many eyes.  It is now time for the Slateport City Contest.


We stood in the dressing room surrounded by other coordinators as we watched a coordinator and his Ninjask score a 23.4 from the judges.

"That's a good score right Nikita?" asked Tomas while his gaze was still fixed to the screen.

Just as I was about to answer his question, an unknown voice got there before me.  "Well that depends on the rest of the scores that come throughout the contest."

"Oh ummm thanks" replied Tomas while he looked wearily at the girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I'm sorry to be rude, but who are you?"  I questioned her.

"Oh sorry I'm Mary Therese Jones."

"Well I'm Nikita and this is my best friend Tomas."

"Are you competing in the contest or are you like me and are here to support someone" asked Tomas.

"Nope I'm competing" she replied while her eyes wandered the room until they settled on me.  "What about you, are you competing in the Contest Nikita?"

"Yeah I'm competing" I replied and I was going to say more until the next contestant was announced.

"Now that was a good show and now it's time for the next coordinator" Vivian spoke to those watching.  "Now it's time for Alisha."  And out she came.  The same spiky brown hair and the same cold, hard brown eyes. 

"She's here" I screeched, startling Tomas and Mary.  I was fuming inside at seeing her.  The same girl that insulted my Pokémon just days into my journey.

"You know her?" asked Tomas, curious to my answer.

"Oh yeah I know her."

"How?" he asked and that made me go back to the day we met.


Once I came back to earth I saw Budew and Treeko facing off against two Spinda at the end of the clearing.

"Hey" I yelled "Get away from my Pokémon".  I ran as fast as a bolt of lightning and was over there in a matter of seconds and tried to chase away the two strange Pokémon, but that didn't work, they stayed in their place right in front of Budew and Treeko facing them up and clearly looking for a fight.

I was still trying to break them apart when I heard "Wow what weak Pokémon".  I looked up and saw an older girl than by me by maybe around two years with short and spiky black hair.  She had a snobby voice that was just a bit nasally and she had cold, hard, dark brown eyes that look black from a distance.  She kept me under a gaze that made cold shivers run through my body and made me feel uneasy inside.

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