Chapter 16 - Mother Daughter Moment

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The sun shine glimmered as it crept over the horizon and highlighted the city of Slateport.  The Wingull’s and Pelliper’s basked in its light as the sun rose higher and higher into the sky, until finally it’s rays settled onto our sleeping heroes within the Pokèmon Centre, but not even a mile away trouble was a brewing in the form of Nikita’s headstrong and opinionated mother.




I woke up to the present sounds of nature before that was all interrupted by;




“Skit!” and then I felt this weight land on top of me and knock all of the air out of me.

“Ugh Treeko, Roselia, Eevee, Skitty what are you doing!” I yelled while my face was planted into the pillow, but then I was dragged out of my nice warm bed by the lovely Seviper who had coiled himself around my legs while I was momentarily distracted.  “What is going on?” I spoke, arms waving wildly around my head and then Beautifly dropped my Swellow alarm clock on to my lap.

“Beaut, Beau, Beautifly!”

“Huh” and I was going to continue with “I don’t understand”…………….but then I saw the time.

“HOLY CRAP TOMAS WE SLEPT IN!  MY MUM IS GOING TO BE HERE SOON!” I screeched, so loud that Tomas jumped so that he actually fell out of his bed.

“You want to say that again Nikki” he drowsily replied.  “And perhaps a little calmer and quieter.”

I took a deep breath to calm myself and said “We slept in and my mum is going to be here soon, we’ve got get ready” and I sprinted to the bathroom with bag in hand that had everything that I needed.

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