Chapter 21 - Mirage Tower

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Sand whipped through the air of Route 111 making it impossible for anyone who was travelling through the area to see more than one foot in front of them. Two of those travellers happened to be our two hero's, Nikita and Tomas as they battled their way through the sandstorm to reach their next destination; Lavaridge Town.


"This sandstorm is insane Nikki" yelled Tomas with a muffled voice as he covered his mouth and nose with his arm to try and prevent himself from breathing in any of the flecks of sand flying through the air. "Even with these Go-Goggles that we got from Nurse Joy I still can't see a thing in front of me. It's just a wall of sand".

"I know" I yelled back at him in the same stance. "It's a good thing we put our Pokémon in their Pokéball's".

"Yeah" he coughed. "We need to find some shelter, at least until this storm dies down a bit to the point that we can see a bit more clearly.

"Agreed" I called as I began squinting into the burling sand to try and make out possible shapes that could be a place where we could take cover. I seemed to be looking for what felt like forever until I made out a tall vague shape in the distance.

"Look over there Tom" I yelled to him pointing at the shape.

"Look at what Nikki? I can't see anything" Tom yelled back as he tried to make out what I was seeing.

I didn't wait for Tom to see what I was seeing, so I grabbed his hand and pulled him after me as I made my way towards the shape. "Just follow me Tom" I told him. "I think I can see somewhere that we can stay put until this storm passes".

With that we both made our way towards the vague shape as the sandstorm pushed against us. It felt like we were taking one step forward just to be pushed two steps back by the storm. Eventually we made it to the bottom of the shape where we could see it more clearly now.

It was a stone tower that was four stories tall that from the outside looked a bit dishevelled, but that did not matter to us as the two of us rushed inside to escape the storm.

"Good find Nikki" exclaimed Tom as he caught his breath and took off his goggles, I did the same. "I never even saw this tower through all the sand".

"I barely even saw it myself" I replied as I dusted the residual sand off of my clothes. "It was pure luck".

"Either way we're out of the storm for now" stated Tom as he looked around. "What do you think this place is?"

"I don't know" I replied. "But it has definitely seen better days".

"Yeah that's true, but hopefully it will keep the sandstorm out" Tom said.

"It will" I told him as I looked around. "It's seems as though we may be here for a while so we might as well have a little look around to explore this tower a bit".

"Okay" Tom smiled. "Lead the way oh fearless leader".


Tom and I explored the first floor and found nothing out of ordinary as far as the eye could see apart from the odd fallen pieces of stone from the slowly decaying walls. We then moved up to the second floor.


"Hey Nikki, did you hear that?" asked Tom as we checked out the second floor.

"Yeah what was that?" I replied as I looked around too looking for the source of the sound. "Wait there it goes again".

"Bal, Baltoy, Bal".

"It sounds like it came from upstairs on the third floor" I said to Tom. "Come on let's go check it out" and with that I ran up the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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