Chapter 4 - Preparation For The Big Day

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The sun rose, coming over from the east, creating a shadow to the west in the shape of Rustoboro City.  The air started to fill with the sounds of the wild Pokémon waking up and getting ready to go through the day.  On the hill overlooking the City came Nikita, Treeko in his pokeball.  She had a smile on her face she had finally made it to Rustoboro city after just less than 3 weeks of travelling.  It was 19 days since she started her journey and the time for her first Pokémon Contest was drawing closer.  It was time for her to make her stamp on Contest all around Hoenn.  She was on her way to becoming Top-Coordinator.

I came over the hill and laid my eyes on the site that was Rustoboro City.  I was so excited, we had finally made it.  It had been 3 days since my first Pokémon battle with Alisha and since then I had, had 3 other battles.  One with a Dustox and it trainer facing Treeko and I, another with a Ferret and a Wurmple and their trainer against my Treeko and Budew, but Budew wasn’t needed seeing as Treeko took them both out and my third battle came from a trainer and their Wingull against Budew.   

I took Budew and Treeko out of their pokeballs to enjoy the view.  They came out cheerful and jumping.  I had found a Pokémon Centre on the way here, so I had healed the pair of them from the after effects from the battle with Alisha and her pair of Spinda’s, so Budew and Treeko were back to full health.

“Look Budew, Treeko, we have finally made it to Rustoboro City.” I told them.

They turned around and saw the city starting to light up from the rays of sun coming over the horizon.  I could see the excitement in them starting to build up at the sight of Rustoboro City.

“Okay we better get moving seeing as we still have about another hours walk till we get there and then we have to register for the contest tomorrow and we have to train and come up with a combination for tomorrow, so let’s get going” I told them.

We started off for the now shining city.  I left both Budew and Treeko out, so they could wonder and get some fresh air too.

We walked for about an hour before we finally got to the entrance of Rustoboro City.  We were in awe.  It was early morning and there were people up at this hour.  Children were running off to school and parents were hustling and bustling off to work.  Budew, Treeko and I walked into the city quietly, but quickly taking in our surroundings, but also eager to get to the Pokémon Centre to register for tomorrows contest.

“Right guys, back into your Pokeballs, we can’t have you getting lost in this big city okay, then I can get on with my search to find the Pokémon Centre” I told them.

They both nod and wait to get called back to their Pokeballs;

“Okay, Budew, Treeko, return” I called to them and then they turned into red lights and returned to their Pokeballs, safe and sound, and then I set off.  

It only took me a matter of minutes to locate the Pokémon Centre.  Once I got there I walked straight on in.  There were only a couple of people here and there was no queue, so I walked right up to the counter.

“Umm; excuse me?  I would like to register for the Pokémon Contest tomorrow.

“Oh I’m sorry dear, but to register you have to have a contest pass which you can get at the contest hall tomorrow and you also register there too” replied a woman with pink hair who I am going to guess is one of the Nurse Joy’s that my mum explained to me before I left.

“Oh okay, well umm do you think I could possibly get a room for the night please” I said.

“Of course” Nurse Joy replied.  She looked under her desk and came back up with a key in hand and said “Here’s your room key, it’s just up the stairs and if you need anything else please come and find me and don’t be afraid to ask”.

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