Chapter 13 - Of All the Contest's

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"Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to this year's Mauville City Pokémon Contest where the Coordinators will be competing against each other in order to win the prestigious Mauville Ribbon" announced Vivian Meridian as she held up the green and yellow ribbon.  "Now let's get on with the show by introducing our three judges, first up we have Mr Contesta, the Chief of the Pokémon Activities Committee;"

"Hello and I can't wait to see how this group of contestants show off their Pokémon's skills and abilities."

"Next up we have the President of the Pokémon Fan Club, Mr Sukizo;"

"I'm sure everything today will be remarkable."

"And finally Mauville Town's very own Nurse Joy;"

"I'm sure that we are going to be treated to some eye catching and spectacular performances today."

"Now" said Vivian.  "Contestant number 1 you're up......"  


"Oh Wow Treeko we're up against some tough competition" I whispered to him.  "But we have something that they don't have."

"Tree, Treeko?"

"We have a cheering squad comprised of Tom, Roselia, Beautifly, Eevee, Skitty, Munchlax, Zigzagoon, Corphish and Pelliper."  I replied.

"Treeko" he nodded.

"Contest No.10 your up" I heard being called throughout the room.

"That's us Treeko" I said.  "Let's go".

"Treeko" he replied and together we rushed out of the room and headed toward the stage.


  "Okay folks it's now time for our next contestant, so contestant no.17 your up" I heard Vivian say and the curtain drew away and I faced and judges and the audience as the lights came down on me.

"Okay It's Time to Sparkle Treeko" I yelled loud enough for everyone to hear as I through Treeko's Pokeball out into the middle of the stage and he came out just as we practiced landing on his hands and then doing a back flip and land on his feet to show off his gymnastic skills.


 "Treeko use Bullet Seed" I told him.

"Treeko!" and as practiced he immediately shot some gold coloured seeds into the air and eventually they began to free fall down towards the ground.

"Now Treeko juggle them." I told him and immediately he set off with his impressive speed and agile nature, collected all of the seeds and he began to juggle them in different ways.  First clockwise, then anti-clockwise and then he did a handstand and juggled them with his feet all just like we practiced while he did a handstand.  "Great Treeko now kick the seeds into the air and use Pound on them." I ordered him and he jumped into the air and smacked the seeds with his tail and created individual golden firework displays and the light that they gave off made him shine beautifully and when he landed back on the ground we both bowed towards the audience and the judges.

"That was amazing" gushed Vivian.  "Now let's here what the judges thought"

"Spectacular use of Treeko's agility and amazing use of his tail" said Mr Contesta.

"And remarkable" added Mr Sukizo.

"The way those lights reflected off of Treeko were just stunning and beautiful to watch" finished Nurse Joy.

"And the total points given are" said Vivian "29.7.  A very high score" and with that I made my way back to the waiting room.


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