Chapter 1 - The Journey Begins

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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins

The sun was raining down on Littleroot Town.  The Taillow and Swellow were swirling and looping around the sky of the Hoenn Region.  Everything was normal, it was just another day for everyone of Littleroot Town, but that was all about to change for ten year old Nikita as this was the day that she got her starter Pokémon and her journey begins.

The sun blazed through the window, blinding my eyes momentarily before I got up sluggishly.  I knew I should be excited, but I knew that I would not get to make the decision myself as my own mum would force her own decision on me.  I would not get the Pokémon that I really want.

You see my mum is one of the greatest Top-Coordinators of all time.  She believes that the cuter your Pokémon is the better for earning ribbons and getting to the Grand Festival and becoming Top-Coordinator and that without cute Pokémon you will not exceed in doing that, but I don’t believe in that.  I believe that it’s what’s in a Pokémon’s heart that counts and not how cute it is!!!

“Nikita it’s time to go” she yelled up to me.

“Okay Mother just coming” I yelled back finishing packing my bag.  I had one more thing to pack.  A picture.  The only picture I have of my dad and myself together during those rare times that I see him.  You see my dad lives in Kanto and he is very important.  I bet you want to know who he is right.  Well I will tell you.  He is Brandon, the Pyramid King of the Kanto Battle Frontier.  I hardly ever see him because he and my mum do not get along anymore.  I live in the Hoenn Region and he lives in Kanto.  He is always either accepting battle challenges or he is away looking at ruins, but it doesn’t bother me because he writes to me and phones me whenever he can and a couple of years ago he gave me three Pokémon he found to look after.  Can you guess which three he gave me?

He gave me a Regice, a Regirock and a Registeel.  My mum nearly had a heart attack when she saw them because they were so big so she made me give them to my dad to stay with him, but now it is time for me to choose my new partner.  It is time for me to leave for Professor Birch’s lab.

My mum and I walked through the doors connecting to the lab and waiting their was Professor Birch.

“Now Nikita remember what I said about choosing your Pokémon” said my mum in a stern tone.

“Yes mum” I replied not looking at her.

“Okay I will be waiting outside to see your decision.”

“Okay mum” I said still not looking at her, but focusing on the three poke balls in front of me.

As soon as my mum left Professor Birch began “Okay Nikita today you are going to begin you journey with one of these three Pokémon in these poke balls.  Now are you ready to meet them?”

“Yes let’s do this” I answered.

“Okay first up we have the water type Mudkip, then we have the fire type Torchic and finally we have the grass type Treeko.  Now which one would you like to take with you on your journey with you?”

I knelt down to their level and examined them closely.

 First up was Mudkip. It was small and blue with a rather large head compared to its body, a wide set mouth, black, beady eyes and orange, star-shaped external gills on its cheeks. It also had a fin on the top of its head and a light-blue fin for its tail.  Its personality I could already tell as soon as I saw it that it was a extremely shy Pokémon as it looked away from me when I had a close look at it.

Next up was Torchic.  It was a small chick that was covered in orange and yellow downy feathers.  It also had a crest on its head which vaguely resembled a flame.  It was very excitable and would not stop moving it wasn’t even looking at me so I could tell that it did not have a lot of concentration.

Finally it was Treeko.  It was a small, green, reptilian Pokémon.  Its hands and feet each had three digits.  It had a large, dark green tail with two separate lobes, similar to the tail of a Wartortle. Its stomach and throat are red. It also had yellow eyes with long, narrow pupils. It also had a line across on its stomach resembling a pouch.  Treeko was different from the other Pokémon he held my gaze not looking away and when I looked at him it was as though I could tell exactly what he was thinking and he could tell what I was thinking.  He was very laid back and did not let the other two Pokémon distract him.  I was very impressed by him.  The next thing I know I was talking to them but more than anything else to Treeko.

“I want to become a Top-Coordinator.  I want to make both my mum and dad proud to call me their daughter.  I want to travel to all of the different regions and live up to both of their expectations and because of that I need a Pokémon that will allow me to do all that, but also become my partner, my best friend and most importantly become part of my family and join me on my journey.” By the time I had finished I had stood up and had Mudkip’s and Torchic’s attention as well to.

I turned to Professor Birch and said “Professor Birch I have made my decision on which of these three Pokémon I would like to take with me on my journey across the regions.”

“Okay Nikita and which Pokémon have you chosen” he asked me.

“Well Professor like I said I pretty much need a dependable Pokémon” I stated.

“Yes” he said.

“So Treeko are you ready to go on a journey with me” I said turning to face Treeko and his answer was “Treeko!” along with a sharp nod.

“Okay Nikita if he is your choice then here is your Pokedex (Red) and some poke balls along with Treeko’s poke ball.

“Thank You Professor” I said with a smile and turned towards Treeko and held out my arms for him to jump into and he happily did.  I turned and walked outside saying bye to Professor Birch. 

I saw my mum instantly and she heard me coming and she turned around and let out and almighty scream once she saw which Pokémon I had chosen, but I did not care because I was happy I had gotten the Pokémon that I wanted.  Treeko.

 “Nikita!  I told you not to get that hideous Pokémon.  I told you to either get a Mudkip or a Torchic like me when I choose my first Pokémon” she screeched.

“Mum I love you but I don’t care about that.  I am extremely happy with the Pokémon I have chosen.  He is the one I wanted all along and now I finally have him and there is nothing you can do to change my mind.”  I exclaimed before my now shocked mum, she had her mouth hanging open and everything.  “Mum I need to leave on my journey now.  I will call you whenever I am at a Pokémon Centre. Okay?  I love you.”  And with that I turn and walked right out of Littleroot Town with Treeko in my arms, with a smile on my face and headed out on my new journey to become a Top-Coordinator and with Treeko at my side nothing could go wrong.


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