Chapter Thirteen: Gabriel

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Detective Fischer walked down the stairs outside the Hartlon Police Department, his hands in his dress pants as he exhaled air, vibrating his lips together. Keith stood, leaning up against a pillar at the bottom stair with his arms crossed, rubbing under his nose with his fingers. 

"So what'd the chief have to say?" Keith asked, taking out a cigarette as he dug around in his pocket for his lighter. 

"He uh...doesn't think the case is going anywhere." Dale said, shaking his head in disappointment. "If we don't find anything in the next week, it's goin' cold." 

"Don't worry about it rookie, we'll find something. We just got to keep looking. Go home for the night man." Keith said, trying to instill confidence in his partner. 

"Yeah, yeah, sure. I'll uh...see you tomorrow then." Dale smiled as he shook Keith's hand. 

"Sure, sure. I gotta ask, what's with the suit? No one expects you to dress up for a wedding everyday..." Keith laughed as he picked at Dale's dark blue collared shirt. "Or a funeral." 

"Hey! This is my lucky suit man. I thought maybe it'd help me when I got here. Especially for talking to the chief." He said, straightening out his suit jacket and gesturing to the police department. 

"You look good kid, but you don't have to try so hard." Keith said, patting the sides of his shoulders. 

Dale walked down the street to the parking lot, Keith watching him as he left. After he was out of sight Keith quickly grabbed his phone from out of his pocket, and speed dialed.  

"Hello?" The deep voice on the other side of the phone answered as Keith paced and sniffled. 

"What's the situation? You better have found him." 

"We ran into a bit of a problem..." The voice trailed off. Keith twitched. 

"A problem!? What kind of problem!?!" He fumed, gritting his teeth as he wiped his fingers under his nose again. 

"We can't find him...He bailed the hospital...I think he knew we were coming." He said uneasily. 

"Of course he knew you were coming! I finally get one of the detectives on his case to tell me where they freaking put him and you miserable imbeciles lose him! Find him! Find him right now, or so help me I will bash your skull in you deranged over powered ape!" Keith paused as officers quickly walked by him. He tried to keep his cool but his breathing had already fastened enough. He walked to the other side of the building and yelled as lowly as he could. "I want Wilcox on a platter! You hear me!?" He said, rushing his hand through his rugged hair. 

"We got it, we got it..." the voice answered over the phone. 

"You better get it, B.A. because if you and your twinkle toes partner don't, then boss will have my head, and I'll have yours. That ain't no threat, that's a promise!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and hung up the phone. He shoved it in his pocket and thumped his fist against the side of the wall. 


I had received over sixty hours of training in the last two weeks alone, not including my late night escapades, cleaning the scum off the frying pan that was Hartlon City. I studied myself, the journal, the pictures...I was remembering little by little, my life finally starting to fall back into place. I had wondered what the repercussions of my so called, unreal capacity that Vincent had discovered, would be when I finally crashed. I had begun to feel my mind race more and more, and it came at the most random times. Yet from time to time I felt so confused and unaware of my surroundings as if I couldn't exactly control the access of my mind. I mean thought about what I would think, but there were just those times when I really just couldn't focus on the thoughts I was thinking about. As if my mind wandered throughout thinking about the thoughts I should and shouldn't be thinking while trailing off into thoughts of paranoia and doubt when the thoughts my mind had thought only made me think more about the thoughts that should have filled my head. The questions...The doubt that filled my mind and made me overthink. I was rambling... 

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